Just recieved my TF-pro salt test kit

It seems crazy. We know it does. Because we all felt the same way. Read any step. Go ahead, because I will create a slight breach of etiquette and go right for the throat. I triple dog dare you to read any step on the card.

Was it 'fill vial to 10 ml' ?
'Add 5 drops of this' ?
'Swirl vial' ?

Yeah. It's SUPER easy stuff. But take a step back and glance at the whole card and BOOM astrophysics. So don't do that. Just read one step at a time.

I get my bottles together for any test and uncap them in order. I pick up from the left and put down on the right. It helps speed things along not fumbling to find the 2nd bottle.
Water Testing may have information of interest to you. I use Taylor testing, so can only offer encouragement to trust your testing and dose accordingly. I believe it was either @YippeeSkippy or @kimkats (forgive me if I misquote) who said (paraphrase) "just learn one test at a time". Far easier than staring a Big 'ol Kit and wondering what to do first.

(And... @Newdude just said this :goodjob:)
I am just going to warn you before hand....................do NOT read the following link with anything in your mouth!

It seems crazy. We know it does. Because we all felt the same way. Read any step. Go ahead, because I will create a slight breach of etiquette and go right for the throat. I triple dog dare you to read any step on the card.

Was it 'fill vial to 10 ml' ?
'Add 5 drops of this' ?
'Swirl vial' ?

Yeah. It's SUPER easy stuff. But take a step back and glance at the whole card and BOOM astrophysics. So don't do that. Just read one step at a time.

I get my bottles together for any test and uncap them in order. I pick up from the left and put down on the right. It helps speed things along not fumbling to find the 2nd bottle.
Nice. Now that makes sense. I will give it a try tomorrow. Appreciate the tips.
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