Is it generating?


Active member
Jul 15, 2019
Princeton NJ
We've just opened our pool for the season came off slam 2 days ago so swg was turned on. We had low salt reading and non generating alert. Today we confirmed salt (drop test 3000ppm) and jet washed generator so for last 7hrs it's been running at 80%. I just tested at 4ppm fc but was anticipating near 6 or 7. It's been training steadily for a few hours (still is) could this be diluting my sample taken?

Cya 50
PH 7.6

I am not familiar with your specific SWCG system, but generally a 40K cell, in a 29K pool will generate about 5.8 ppm of FC when run at 100% for 24 hours..

That would be .24 ppm/hour at 100% or .19 ppm at 80%

In 7 hours your cell should make about 1.33 ppm of FC. minus whatever FC the pool is using at the time.


Jim R.
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