Iron in water


Well-known member
May 9, 2022
Buffalo mn
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hello so shocked the Pool And it immediately turned brown which means I have iron in water so we rigged up a 5 gal bucket with polyfil to filter it out but after 2 days it’s still brown. Should I add iron out to it?
Should I add iron out to it?
No. I would just remain patient and give the poly more time to grab that stuff. Each pool is different based on the iron content. Hopefully soon you'll get enough to where the chlorine won't aggravate it so much.
Need some advice. The polyfil bucket filter is still running and Pool is definitely not brown anymore just a dull blue/green so I think the iron is almost gone. But I tested my water last night with my Taylor kit and my TA is 575 and PH 8.0!!! I tested again and got same number. So I added some muriatic acid and this morning it was down to 525 TA and ph 7.8!!! How in the world do I get my TA to lower immensely without making my PH go down so much to?
How in the world do I get my TA to lower immensely without making my PH go down so much to?
TA is notoriously high in yoru area. Just have to be patient. When you dose with acid, use enough acid to lower the pH down to about 7.0-7.2. Then let the pH rise on its won to 8.0 and repeat with acid. Each time you use that much acid, it helps to chisel-away at the TA. It takes time, but it works.
Ok I’ll try that. In the mean time should I be keeping my chlorine level up? I’ve just been focusing on trying to get my TA down so the chlorine will do the job so my chlorine is at 0
so my chlorine is at 0
Definitely get the FC up. It should never go to zero (algae). Hopefully it's not too late. Cool water may help. If you get algae, you have to treat that first before any iron issues. Use some liquid chlorine right away to get the FC up to about 5 ppm. Never let it drop below 3 ppm if you can help it.
Always refer to our FC/CYA Levels to avoid algae. The chart below is sometimes nice to see as well.
