Howdy from Raleigh, NC


New member
Jul 18, 2021
Raleigh, NC
Lurked in the forums a while. Been the proud papa of a 22,000 gallon pool in southern Wake County, NC for about 4 years now. Recently had the liner replaced and it feels like I'm starting from scratch. A lot of the information I've gathered references calculators here on TFP. Might as well just join and get active.

Transplanted to the south from Pennsylvania by way of New Hampshire. Found home. Never leaving.

Hope y'all have a great day.
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Hey Steve and Welcome !!
Recently had the liner replaced and it feels like I'm starting from scratch.
protip: Start from scratch. We do things a bit different from ‘the industry’ that hasn’t updated its standards since the 80s/90s. And why should they ? It’s a cash cow by sending you on a roller coaster of bad chemistry until you have to drain and spend to rebalance that new water. (Yours was a liner change, but for most everybody else they end up so out of whack they have to drain).

Anywho check out this thread as our proof that things can be easy out way with AMAZING results