High phosphates

Mikey Lo-G

New member
Jul 24, 2023
Dallas TX
I have high phosphates at 251 PPB. The pool store instructions are to use Leslies no phosphates to remove phosphates from the water. It explains to run the pump for 48 hours without back, washing or cleaning the filter. They say to monitor the filter pressure as it can rise rapidly. That does not make any sense to me. if the pressure rises too high, you are going to have to backwash or clean the filter.
Can anyone explain?

Someone is taking you for a wild ride... I suggest that you stay out of the Pool $tore.. :mrgreen:

You have almost zero phosphates.. you'd have to have 4 or 5K ppb, before you would need to worry about it.

Have you already used this magic potion???


Jim R.
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Someone is taking you for a wild ride... I suggest that you stay out of the Pool $tore.. :mrgreen:

You have almost zero phosphates.. you'd have to have 4 or 5K ppb, before you would need to worry about it.

Have you already used this magic potion???


Jim R.
Hi Jim,

Yes I have used the product. The water report shows that phosphate ideal range is 0-100 ppb. My water was showing 251 pbi.
I’m attaching my report for your review.
Thank you kindly,


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You are getting Pool Stored. Ask me how I know.

I would get a test kit and get your testing in order. These test kits are more accurate and repeatable than almost any store test. Link-->Test Kits Compared

Ignore phosphates. There are RARE instances where you MIGHT want to treat phosphates, but they are super rare. The phosphate test at the pool store and their "range" is to sell you phosphate removers.

I'm glad you've found TFP. Stay out of the pool store and start testing your own water. Phosphates are not something 99.9% of pool owners need to ever be concerned with. The scam artists operating pool stores use nonsense like phosphates and TDS to sell you more expensive chemicals you don't need.

Additionally, if the results from Leslies are to be believed (and they aren't) your chlorine is running way too low for your current stabilizer (CYA) level. Check out the TFP Pool Care Basics to learn more about our minimalist pool care methology and pick up a quality test kit: Either a Taylor K2006-C or a TFTestKits.net TF-100/TF-Pro. They are the same Taylor reagents, but the TFTestKits models are a better deal.

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