Help with SLAM

I lost a lot over night, but CC didn’t jump. Is this because stabilizer? What now? I tested CYA and I can see my dot plain as day at the 30 mark.

Use pool math. Enter your log for 0 CYA. Then click CYA on the home screen to figure out how much CYA to add to get to 30ppm. Weigh that out, put it in a sock, tie the sock up and either put it in your skimmer basket, or hang it a foot or two out from a return. Basket is easiest. Let it sit for 1/2 hour, then start squeezing. It's a bit frustrating, but oddly satisfying. If you squeeze for about 1/2 hour, it will all dissolve, or you can squeeze a bit every now and then.

On the chlorine side, SLAM at 12. Test as often as you can an add to get to 12. The more often you can test the better, particularly in the early part of the slam. Every 2 hours is optimal. If you want to wait to the weekend, then just add 5ppm per day, or add when you can back to 12, and that will stave off algae until the weekend.

The pool is going to go through stages of color. If you can post a pic every time, we'll get a good handle on the progress.
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Ok. You can see what I just added and I was getting ready to go add more to bring me up to 10 for slam but based on what you’re saying given that I need to leave for work I think that I will wait to do that until this evening I think you’re saying that is OK and that I can work on stabilizer this evening.

Also, can I put a sock in the skimmer before I go to work this morning and let it sit all day?
Ok. You can see what I just added and I was getting ready to go add more to bring me up to 10 for slam but based on what you’re saying given that I need to leave for work I think that I will wait to do that until this evening I think you’re saying that is OK and that I can work on stabilizer this evening
We do what we can. SLAM level for you is 12. If you can get the stabilizer soaking before you leave, that would be great. If not, ok. If you can get FC to 12, great. If not, ok. It is all good and you will get there!!!
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Thank you so much for holding my hand through this! 6 years and I’ve never had a problem like this! I put a partial Stabilizer in this Am. Will do rest this evening and get everything tested.
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Hot Dog. Tonight I can see my stairs, side of the pool and my seats in the deep end. Progress. I’ve made some additions and finally hit 12 FC. My stabilizer from this am is still dissolving, so i am nursing it, but it’s raining and gross so I’ll probably let it sit over night.

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Catsup! Focus on just FC for now. Check and replace to 12 every two hours if you can, while you can. I got obsessive and got up every two hours in the night (NOT RECOMMENDED!!! :crazy:

Ignore any other testing. FC until the pool is crystal clear and no debris.

THEN, and ONLY THEN, we will check CC and do OCLT.

SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB. This is critical!! Brushing breaks the biofilm on algae on the wall that stops chlorine from getting to all the algae. Do you have lights? Algae can hide there. Scrub the lights. Take them out of the niche and scrub the niche and back of the light. Scrub the skimmers. Looked at the pic again, you might want to scrub the water feature.
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Hot Dog. Tonight I can see my stairs, side of the pool and my seats in the deep end. Progress. I’ve made some additions and finally hit 12 FC. My stabilizer from this am is still dissolving, so i am nursing it, but it’s raining and gross so I’ll probably let it sit over night.

Catsup! Focus on just FC for now. Check and replace to 12 every two hours if you can, while you can. I got obsessive and got up every two hours in the night (NOT RECOMMENDED!!! :crazy:

Ignore any other testing. FC until the pool is crystal clear and no debris.

THEN, and ONLY THEN, we will check CC and do OCLT.

SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB. This is critical!! Brushing breaks the biofilm on algae on the wall that stops chlorine from getting to all the algae. Do you have lights? Algae can hide there. Scrub the lights. Take them out of the niche and scrub the niche and back of the light. Scrub the skimmers. Looked at the pic again, you might want to scrub the water feature.
i only have 2 small led lights in the pool. The waterfall is a rock, and I will scrub the rock. I can’t get to the inside of it though. I was just going to ask you about PH. I know my Ph is low. But I won’t worry about it yet. I just check FC at 11 and made another addition. Will check and add before bed.

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i only have 2 small led lights in the pool. The waterfall is a rock, and I will scrub the rock. I can’t get to the inside of it though. I was just going to ask you about PH. I know my Ph is low. But I won’t worry about it yet. I just check FC at 11 and made another addition. Will check and add before bed.
Potato Chips!

Yes, just FC. If you were to test pH, it would be invalid. With FC at 10 or above, the pH test does not work. As for the inside of the rock, do you have a clean bottle brush or toilet brush (unused please) that you can get in there?

Do what additions you can do.
I lost a lot of FC overnight, but Cc did drop a small amount. ( I know you told me not to test that, but I did). That seems odd. Auto Cover was on. I was at 10 close to 9 pm. At 3 at 6 am.

Good morning! Looks like Poolstored isn't online just yet, but I wanted to offer the following:
- During the SLAM Process, you can leave the cover off. Let the water breath and take advantage of the sun's UV to help oxidize contaminants.
- In your test logs, it looks like your FC has dropped quite a bit several times. Time away from home might dictate your ability to maintain that FC of 12, but do your best. The better you can maintain the proper SLAM FC level (12) the more efficient your SLAM Process will be.

As always, inspect/clean every area of your pool. Leave nothing to chance. Brush all areas to break-up residual biofilms so the chlorine can access the algae. If you have any questions let us know.
What @Texas Splash said. Your SLAM is on! Do what you can when you can. Test whatever you like. It is all fun and games!

You are making progress, and it is the shortest, best and cheapest way to get your pool back. You will be super proud of yourself when done. Most importantly, when you have control, it will be super easy to maintain (I spend less than 5 min a day now).

The future: How Clear is TFP Clear? Let's See (Pics Please).
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Thank you both. Cover on last night as we had storms rolling through. I did not bring to slam level this morning since I will be leaving for work although I certainly will if you think it will be beneficial to get it up that high at least once this morning knowing that I can’t maintain it throughout the day. Please advise what you think would be best for this morning. I really appreciate it
The time log on these pool logs confuse me. I dosed again, will do again before bed, and then I guess I’m back to the store for more bleach. If tomorrow am I’ve held chlorine and am under .5 Cc I’m done, right? I’m so over this! 😬

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The time log on these pool logs confuse me.
Yeah, the server is in some other time zone (I think pacific), so if you are central subtract 2 hours. LOL
I dosed again, will do again before bed, and then I guess I’m back to the store for more bleach. If tomorrow am I’ve held chlorine and am under .5 Cc I’m done, right? I’m so over this! 😬

Three criteria
=< 1ppm FC loss overnight
.5 or less CC

I know it is tough. That will motivate you in the future to not miss your testing and correction EVER again. We call it SLAM AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR. Seriously, you are doing great.

For tonight, do final dose. Run the pump for 30 minutes, then take your final FC test. That is the start of your OCLT. Don't forget to wait the 30 minutes so you get good test.

When you test in the morning, test your CC. CC is ALWAYS the LAST test. FC Loss first, Clear Pool, then CC.

Good luck, I'll be looking for your results. OH, and I'll be looking for PICS!!!
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