Hayward T 925 salt cell voltage, no amperage connected to omnilogic.


Apr 14, 2020
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-9)
I opened the pool the other day and the salt cell was working fine. 3 days ago, I replaced the Ecostar pump with the thp vs pump and reconfigured the omnilogic. Salt cell stopped working, so I went in and saw that I must have selected the previous cell and I changed it to the correct cell but still not working. I have shut power off to the omnilogic panel for an hour, started it back up and ran the pump. It shows 3100 avg salt, no instant salt, voltage but no amperage or relay polarity. Thanks in advance.
Post the actual diagnostic readings or a pic of the screen.
Here's the diagnostic. Is the temperature too low? I didn't pay attention to the water temperature the other day when it was working properly.


  • Screenshot_20230414_094912_OmniLogic.jpg
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Have you examined your board front and back for any burnt components or solder joints?

Post pics of both sides of your board.

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Does the system say Flow or No Flow?

Maybe it does not think that the pump is on due to a configuration problem?

Is it operating the pump correctly?

Can you show the diagnostics when on Superchlorinate?

If it works on Superchlorinate, it should work on regular percentage.
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Ok, So ....I'm a dumbass. I just installed a new pump and I can't get the pump to communicate with the omnilogic yet so it is running in stand alone operation. So even though the pump is running, omnilogic doesn't see it . I just had to switch the pump on in the omnilogic and the cell is working. Thanks for reaching out and helping me.
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