Golden Retriever Is Here

texted my kids doc (we’re actually old friends) and he would like me to take the kids to see some GRs and to witness how they react to them. 🤷🏽‍♀️... there’s hope I guess.

This is the best advice in this thread. Go visit the breeder or anyone that owns a Golden Retriever and see what symptoms your children have. The truth is that Goldens do shed a LOT. This is their worst drawback. So take your kids to play with a Golden. Have them pet, hug, and love on them for as long as you can. See their reactions and symptoms. Then you can determine if it is worth it to pursue this endeavor.

Our puppy gets in the pool almost every day. She gets bathed at least once a week. She gets brushed as much as we can. Guess what? She still sheds profusely. I think you are just fooling yourself if you think you can stop that.

The point here is that neither you nor your Golden will be happy if she is not loved on by everybody. It is their nature. Hopefully once the kids play with a Golden for a while, there will be mild or no symptoms. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Finally, let's be sure that you have the right priorities in place and are not being ruled by emotion. I know you rejected that Goldendoodle suggestion too fast. The purpose to get a dog is to have a companion, teach responsibility, and be able to receive unconditional love. Though I am obviously bias because I own a Golden, I have owned over 8 different breeds in my life from chihuahuas to Dobermans (helps when parents owned a pet store for over 40 years). All breeds of dogs bring something special into the family. All breeds are a lot of responsibility. If it does not pan out that you can get a Golden, there are thousands of dogs out there that would gladly fill its place in your household if you give them a chance. Dogs, whether pure bred or mutt, have a way of moving right into your heart if you let them. Sometimes you just need to step back and decide WHY you want this dog.
We trained our dogs to not go upstairs (where the bedrooms are) because we were concerned about all the hair on our beds, clothes, etc. One of the best calls we ever made (for us) seeing the hair they leave downstairs. We used our invisible fence, which has an inside disc product that does the same thing to alert them to out of bounds areas inside. It hasn't been active in years but they don't go upstairs. Ok, one does if there's a thunderstorm, then it's crate time, which they are happy to do. The other one has no idea where the family disappears to up those stairs.
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People also always thought that their kids would have to be a certain way, until the kids grew into who they were. Spend a week with any dog and it will be your 'new breed'.

But for now, the original mission hasn't failed yet. Any reputable breeder will gladly let your kids hang out with the puppy litter for an hour or two. Put them all in a room and let the kids have the best hour of their life. If there aren't any after affects, you should be good. Maybe they will only need a Claritin/Benadryl when they are sick. Maybe not even then.
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This is the best advice
Update..... I just had my kids play with a Golden Retriver for an hour or so. They had no allergies at all and it’s been 8 hours since they’ve last seen the GR. My kids also just told me today that they can’t be allergic to GR cause there friends have GR and they don’t get any allergic reactions during sleep overs before Covid. Nevertheless,I just wanted to make sure and it looks like we’re all set with our puppy this fall. Can’t wait.
Great! Glad your kids did not have a reaction. My whole life has been spent around dogs. It's nice to see my 8 YO take charge of a 65 pound Belgian Malinois and show no fear. I truly believe the relationship that can be built between a child and a dog is amazing. Best of luck!
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DOB for my love pup is 8/30. So I can bring him home in October.
For those who already have GRs, what should I be preparing for before he comes home; Things to get, etc?
Also, should I be looking into vets now?
Is there a list of shots (a template or something) that I can use to keep track of all vaccinations?
Any information would be helpful...

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Step one is a good test kit.

Then head on over to ABC's of Dog Training
Rotten! Nothing but ROTTEN!! LOL

Here is a list with the ages for the puppy shots:

Number one rule on raising a puppy is to not allow them to do something as a puppy you would not want them to do as an adult:
jumping on people
getting on the future (unless you want him to that is)

You get the drift.

Vet-YES start looking for one now by asking around to see who does good work without breaking the bank.

Crate- They make some that "grow" with your dog. In beginning you will NOT put anything in it as far as pads and such as the puppy WILL chew on them. You should also take his "necklace" off when you put him in it as the tags can get caught in the openings.

Until your puppy has had his THIRD parvo shot you should NOT take him to any public areas including pet smart and such. Parvo is an air borne disease that is deadly for puppies.

I would find some family friends who have nice dogs you are have had their shots to come play with your puppy to teach him some doggie skills.

Stainless Steel bowls only. One for food and one for water.

Find out what kind of food the Mom dog owner is going to feed and share it here for us to look at.

Kim :kim:
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We just got our new cocker. My wife grew up in a cocker family. Only dogs they ever owned. We lost tucker in April. Everyone in the family was lost. So we got on a list for a new liter. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. Oliver is home now and adjusting. Man they r water dogs though. He b-lines for the pool. Kristen took him in to try out the water. Ya he loves it. Started swimming with her holding him instantly. So now the gates are back up on the porch. We have a floating pillow she takes him on but then he goes on leash or up on the porch.

next season he is going to have to wear a life jacket all the time cause he is going to be one of those open the door and dart for the water kinda dogs.

kristen’s sister is a groomer so they r getting him used to weekly baths, brushing, and grooming. He is going in a semi show coat. I think it’s called a southern cut.

at least I got a new fishing buddy!

Potty training -- take him out ALL the time (every hour)
Vet - shots, chipped
feeding schedule -- set one up that works for your work schedule. We do 3 times a day, when we get up. Lunchtime, and Supper.
Treats for training - we make our own by making chicken jerky in food dehydrator. If you buy treats just get made in USA.
Bed - Needs a spot to call his own
Chew Toys -- we got nylabone for puppies. You need something to work their puppy teeth. We also got a cloth bone that you soak in water and put in the freezer. She loved to chew on it. Helped her gums.
Brush - the sooner you start brushing him the better. They shed ALOT.
Poopy Bags!! <-- most important... Lots of poop to clean up (after every meal). By starting now, you get use to picking it up and will have a nice yard. Ours is 1 yo now and we always clean up after her. No big deal now.
Puppy Shampoo -- something gentle that will not hurt their eyes. Do NOT use your shampoo. Buy it for puppies.
Treat bag - We got one that will hang on neck or clip on pants. Let the training begin!
Leash -- I would recommend a 6' leash for now until he is walking great
Collar - either a flat collar or a martingale collar. We used a martingale collar so that she could not slip out of it. Best item we purchased for her.

As you can see, ours just had her 1 year birthday.
Cheyenne 1 year birthday.jpg
Lots of great advice here. Consistently remaining constant is absolutely the best advice.
This is cooper enjoying his pool!

He is a golden doodle. I have had him almost one year. Great dog.
Best of luck with your new puppy!


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What a cutie!! Still looks like a puppy.....dawwwwww~

How'd she lose her leg?

Maddie :flower:
The picture is on the day she came home.
More recent pic
Accidentally dropped by one of the breeders children @ 6wks - it was shattered ☹️. She ended up going to Golden Retriever rescue. They took care of the surgery etc. And at 8 weeks she came home to us. We couldn't resist the tripod as we lost one suddenly at the young age of 5. That was 11 yrs ago and still haunts me.
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