First Pool - Opened with pool store two weeks ago and NOW found TFP. Help Please

Did you run a diluted CYA test or was the sample somewhere between the bottom of the tester and the 100 mark? The test only goes reliably to 100. If it's higher than 100, it may be A LOT higher. The diluted test (with 50/50 pool water and tap water) will give you a much better ball park figure of where you're at.

I did not run a diluted test, but I understand what you're saying and I'll probably do that instead. My mark was well below the 100 mark. However, the test strips said I was at 150 so I assumed the number was somewhere around there.

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Sounds like you're in the right track :)
I'd suggesting finding articles on how to drain a vinyl pool safely so the liner doesn't get moved out of place, it's going to need multiple small drains or a very detailed large drain :/

Yea putting together a list of my best vinyl drain options now. Need to be careful here. Thank you!
OK so I've been at this for a couple of days. Even got my A20 finally! Got a sump pump and got my hose going. Sump in the shallow end and hose in the deep end.
Hose is adding water at about 6 gpm and sump is just shy of that, because I notice the water level actually rises a bit over time.

She's cleared up a lot, no more foam! But levels are still wacky. Going to stock up on the liquid stuff and be patient with the water exchange. Sump method is gonna take a while...I hope I can get this CYA down.

Pool Water 5/25/18 City Water from Hose
FC 0.5 FC 0.5
CC 1.5 CC .5 (if that)
pH 7.2 pH 7.2
Br 1.0 Br 1.0
TA 170 TA 270??
CYA 130 CYA 0.0



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Is the top picture the hose running your water to the deep end? If so, the hose end needs to be at the bottom of the pool for this to work.
OK so I've been trying to focus on the pool but I'm split in so many directions with work and family life. My water exchange is slow and I'm getting impatient and reading myself in circles. A few questions right now:

I'm assuming I need to control the CYA before I SLAM.

How much liquid chlorine should I be adding per day until I get the CYA under control?

My TA is super high, 170 on last test and my fill water from the hose tested at 270 if I remember correctly.

Should I be doing anything else except focusing on water exchange and constantly vacuuming/roboting to get the fine dust thats accumulating daily (is this algae from the no chlorine)?

Thanks all!
While you're exchanging water you should be adding enough FC daily to dose to about 5 PPM so the pool doesn't get away from you. Once you are happy with where the CYA is, run a full set of test and adjust pH to 7.2 -7.4 and SLAM. Don't worry about your high TA right now. Just concentrate on the SLAM. Once your pool water is crystal clear and you pass the OCLT, you can let the FC drop down to normal levels.

If you want to adjust TA down, this is when you can do it. Before you do it though track you pH for a couple of weeks and see if it tends to climb quickly. If it doesn't, leave the TA alone. If it does tend to climb quickly, you can drop both pH and TA with muriatic acid and aerate the pool to raise pH back up again by itself. Rinse and repeat until you are happy with your TA level.
While you're exchanging water you should be adding enough FC daily to dose to about 5 PPM so the pool doesn't get away from you. Once you are happy with where the CYA is, run a full set of test and adjust pH to 7.2 -7.4 and SLAM. Don't worry about your high TA right now. Just concentrate on the SLAM. Once your pool water is crystal clear and you pass the OCLT, you can let the FC drop down to normal levels.

If you want to adjust TA down, this is when you can do it. Before you do it though track you pH for a couple of weeks and see if it tends to climb quickly. If it doesn't, leave the TA alone. If it does tend to climb quickly, you can drop both pH and TA with muriatic acid and aerate the pool to raise pH back up again by itself. Rinse and repeat until you are happy with your TA level.

This is great, understood. Thank you!

CYA 100
FC 2
CC 1
pH 7.3

Praise Poseidon, things are moving in the right direction. Holding a bit more chlorine and CYA is coming down.

Just filtered to waste another 4 inches and then started the sump on the steps and the hose in the deep end. Hopefully this week I can finally get this pool tamed.

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UPDATE 6/7/18

CYA drops are happening slower and slower. I think I'm around 80 now and to be honest I'm spent. I don't have enough guts to drop the water real low in fear of ruining the liner. And this is going on two weeks of trying to do filter to waste till my skimmers go dry and then sump the rest out. Followed by 8 hours of sump out of shallow end and hose in the deep end. But dropped from 180 ish to 80 now. I just want to try and enjoy it.

Now the good news, she's crystal clear and holding chlorine. I've been adding liquid shock daily and I just did an afternoon test.

CYA 80
pH 7.3
FC 9
CC .5
TA 160

Now I just want to spend some time and paint the deck and attack the landscaping ideas we have. Maybe I'll swap some more water in the next few weeks but for now, I'm holding chlorine. I'm going to do an OCLT tonight to see how that goes just for piece of mind.

Looks beautiful, Yeep! You certainly can manage with CYA of 80 until you are ready to exchange more water. In the meantime, with all the work that you were lining up for yourself, please make sure enjoy your pool!
Looks beautiful, Yeep! You certainly can manage with CYA of 80 until you are ready to exchange more water. In the meantime, with all the work that you were lining up for yourself, please make sure enjoy your pool!

Thanks! Big help to you and everyone else at TFP. Planning to enjoy it this weekend hopefully.

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Look where you've come from!

Yes, FC at CYA/80 is definitely manageable :) [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

Enjoy that beautiful pool!

You're not kidding, came a long way and all because of this site. Already got my FC up where it needs to be and will keep it there for now. Cheers

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