Filter questions..

No idea what kind it is.........hoping someone will see this that knows.

Knowing if it works. Does the pressure gauge on the top drop to 0 when the pump is off? Does it go up when the pump is on? Do you feel a good flow out of your returns (eyeballs in the pool where the water comes back into the pool)?

Have you tried to open the filter? Make sure the pump is off and see what it looks like inside. It might take some PB Blaster to get the screws moving.

If it is a sand filter it can least a good, long time. If it is cartridge the cartridge could need to be replaced if it is torn or such. Same with DE grids.

I have a sand filter and open it once a year to do a deep clean. Other than that I just do a backwash as needed when my pressure goes up 25% over my clean pressure.

I hope this helps!

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