Deposit Placed for April 2018 start In-ground Viking fiberglass. Many questions!

Thanks everyone for the very kind words!! We are enjoying the pool like crazy I almost think it was worth it!

We're *this close* to done. Landscapers should be finished tomorrow - we've gotten rain almost every day this month. Now that we have a crew that actually want to finish and we get rain daily in June... lol. Got a flat tire on tractor trying to gather more limestone for a path from house to pool- ugh.

I noticed in the docs for my SWG that it has an option to detect when the cover is closed and lower the SWG rate to 5% (using a 30 on a 22 gal pool). I've been doing it manually while monitoring my levels (all good FC is steady at 3ppm) is this a bad idea? Been testing and all my levels are good - I'm guessing partly because I wouldn't let PB dump a lot of what they wanted. Again, thanks to this community!

Here's a pic of the equip pad landscaped:

Will post finished pics in a few days. Wanted to add the tip I got from Kim to add a light near the pad? We're in the woods and decided on a bug zapper - 2 for 1!
LOVE IT!!! That is a pretty equipment pad you have there AND it has a light and bug zapper?? SCORE!!!

Kim:kim: (I can just hear some of the conversations around the pool.........."Yeah well this crazy lady named Kim told me that is what I did." LOL)
So glad to hear you are enjoying the pool! That is awesome! Makes it so worthwhile. Interesting about the cover option on your swg. I guess you could try it and monitor your levels.

Oh and Kim... that’s how a lot of my pool related conversations go [emoji23] I always add that she really knows her stuff lol.
I've been monitoring my levels and still at 3ppm. Going to keep it up and see how it goes but so far so good. For anyone wondering it's on page 24 of the iChlor 30 docs.

Landscaping is done. We had an unfortunate event where the landscaper loaded up some of the stones we had already paid (too much) for. I had to call him out on it and threaten to stop work before it was resolved :( I'm sure I'll still pay for it in the end (they're already charging a premium) but it soured us on their otherwise excellent work. It's a shame because we were interested in future work but...

Anyway, here are some pics with landscaping finished, we just got a 1/2 inch of rain hoping the new grass is happy!

Edit: oh yeah, I'm embarrassed to say how long it took me to figure out to move the basketball net to the side of the pool that doesn't go downhill lol!


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OH so pretty!!! LOL on the downhill ball rolls! After a couple/few times of chasing it I bet you were very glad you had a hole on the other side!

:( why, oh why do some people have to see what they can get a way with............then act all "WHAT???" when called on it.

Our diver:

PB is coming tomorrow to clean up some trim work on auto cover. They still haven't billed us for the last installment which is respectable. My levels are still good to go. Only issue I've had so far is oils gathering in a corner when cover is on. Letting the chlorine/filter do the work even tho they were recommending the enzymes.

Also wanted to add: we know a couple who also had work done by the same landscaper we used. Turns out the landscaper loaded up limestone from when their house was built. So shady still trying to decide how I'm going to handle it. But very disappointed :(
That’s so disappointing about the landscaper. Not how you want the finish the build. I would leave bad reviews on google ect unless he remedies and acknowledges what he did.

Funny about the basketball hoop. Not the kind of thing you think of until you’re actually using it. Love your diver [emoji7]
So, for the most part everything is going well. However (of course) we are still working on some issues with the PB. Before I get to that, I've noticed my SWG will sometimes show a solid red (add more salt) LED. I tested and my levels are ~3800ppm. I've noticed it does this when I run the VSP quite slow, but the SWG still shows a green flow LED. Not sure if it's something I need to clean or should I also take that up with PB. It eventually goes away when I turn the speed above ~2K.

Due to poor Styrofoam form installation we have an uneven surface around the pool. So we are still having issues with our cover not closing all the way (the gap is 1/2" right in front of the 1 1/2" gap in corner):
Here is another pic to give an idea of the concrete waves:

Our PB wants to install some sort of 'bumper' on the end of the cover to get it to close flush. I'm more inclined to cut the patio square. Of course then it won't look right, so I'm thinking of tiling around the new cut vertical faces. And then possibly tiling the whole patio later on. Ugh. My friend in the concrete business says I should tell them to rip it out and re-pour. I'm not a fan of this idea but will consider if needed.

Another little 'niggle' is this missing piece of trim. Apparently it's impossible to replace and silicone won't last according to PB. They want to paint it:
Finally, someone enjoying this gigantic stress-causer in my life:
No bumper on the cover..It is not made to handle the extra weight on that end. Also think about how it would look on the end. It would be uneven. What does he think he could make it out of? How will he make sure it closes all the way across with the surface that is so uneven????

File down the stone and put a VERY pretty tile there as a show case aka cover up.

Get what YOU want that will look pretty down the road. The PB will try to do it on the cheap if you allow him.....nope, nope, nope!!!
So just wanted to say to TFP, and folks like Kim, and Kim - you probably do realize it but for people such as myself, you're virtual general contractors who, by proxy, supervise the actual GCs and PBs. And have people's best interest at heart! (Go figure...)

I think an equipment pad light in your namesake isn't enough. Thanks so much! You've confirmed what I was thinking, really makes it easier to hear from informed sources! Thanks so much... again!
Ahhh shucks! Thanks :hug:

So I was looking back at what you had posted and realized I had not commented on the trim piece. Can you tell what it is made of? Is it missing because it got pushed up under the coping somehow? Is it just a "finishing" piece more than a structural one?

Me? I am pretty good with caulking and such. I would get some VERY good tape to put on either side of where the caulk will go. The hardest part is getting it straight and right where you want it. I would use a plastic knife or scrapper to make sure the edges were down good. I would get the smaller plastic tube of caulk for this. It is much easier to control. That will allow you to make the hole much smaller than one for the caulk gun. To get a really smooth the trick is to have a bowl of ice water to dip your finger in and lots of paper towels to wipe the excess off on. If you have not played with caulk before I would practice to get a feel for it. Make sure to take the tape off right away so you don't get any tape residue left. You might need to smooth just a tiny bit once you take the tape off.

Notice I said me/you................this is NOT something I would trust to a "worker bee" as they will not use the care you or I would.

Now saying all of that above I would also think about getting a small can of white paint (not sure of what kind as I am not sure what that is made of) and a tiny artist brush. Again the taping prep will be key to keeping it looking purrfect. It would be easier and if you don't like how it looks then you could do the caulk.

Now on to the doggie!!!! LOVE IT!!! Did he figure that out on his own? Does he get in all of the time? Does he have his own towel? Did we talk about skimmer socks to help with the hair?

The trim piece is a strip of plastic that I guess was put there prior to the concrete pour to help keep the tracks clear for the auto-cover. It's missing because when the cover was opened it caught on it and tore it off. Not sure how/why but found pieces of it in the filter basket. I'm confident I can fix it properly but I've been too stubborn to do so, and I'm embarrassed to admit how much aggravation it's caused.

Astutely, again, you've encapsulated my central issue - so simple but something I haven't been considering. I've been operating on the premise that, well I paid way too much: make it right. But PB keeps sending "worker bees" (insert lightbulb goes on here cartoon) and that's been one of the central issues. I want it done how I want it done, and, unfortunately, that's now how things work these day even with best efforts in hiring the "right" company.

In light of that, PB wants to send a bee (lol) to cut the concrete I'm thinking I should hire someone who has done this before and will do it right. I've never run a concrete saw. Perhaps PB will take my costs into consideration but... Anyway, we've started looking at tile.

As to the hound: she's too smart for her own good. To get her to dive all we had to do was get her used to being on the diving board (not long - our younger one still isn't having it lol) and her favorite ball - she was already a swimmer. The second time I threw the ball she jumped off the board. She was a pro after a few days. I found out about skimmer socks from riley00dog's thread (cheers!) - the hair I dump out is... disturbing. I don't think my cart filter start-up pressure has gone up since the install. Wonder why PB doesn't recommend them... /s

edit: SWG hasn't thrown red LED since I posted. Going to keep an eye on it but not worry for now.
I SO hear you!!! "I paid good money for you to do this job so do it and do it right!!!" That is how things should be but like you said it is not how it is.

Cover pulling that piece do you think it will pull the caulk out if you use it? Something to think about.

Cutting concrete......let the "bee" come out BUT be there so you can talk to him. Ask him how he intends to do it and stand right over him and get ready to stop him if it even looks like he does not have a clue what he is doing. You might be lucky and get a skilled bee.........some of them are artists with big saws!!

Glad to hear you already got the skimmer nets.....It is a wonder there is any hair left on the dogs after they shed all they do each day!!!

I am glad I am able to get in your head and help you out. I DO understand what you are thinking and going through. You will get through this and be able to enjoy your pool in short order! :hug:

I'm with you on wanting to address the cover not meeting the concrete squarely. However, sometimes the fix is worse than the issue. I get that it's not square and you notice it. But functionally, it's not much of an issue. Theoretically some debris could go in that area, but not that much likely. I think cutting the concrete square will make it look different in that you'll see all the stones in the concrete cut flat. I know you mention tiling to cover it, but I would have a few big reservations about that plan. If you don't do it to all four coping edges, it's going to look weird. Much more weird than a slight gap. If you do choose to tile, I'm not sure I understand you comment about tiling the deck. You can't tile a deck as it will result in needing to create a dedicated highway lane from your house to the local E.R. to repair all the broken bones from slip/fall accidents. Maybe I missed something on that aspect though. Another concern is if there is any metal in the concrete close to the edge. Probably not, but if there is, that will be a problem unless it's tiled over as you mention. Adding a bumper to the leading edge bar is going to give you something to also be focused on and displeased with anytime the cover is open and you are enjoying the pool - which wouldn't be on your wish list either.

Bottom line is you have something that's not quite right, but any method to fix it that I can think of, spans from hokey to problematic.

I too have an autocover. Our pool coping is perfectly square. However, the leading edge bar is slightly concave in the middle allowing a 1/2" gap at that point which narrows to nothing at either end. So I do have some perspective on the issue leading to my comments above.

Just food for thought as I know when in the heat of not being happy, everything gets magnified and "must" be fixed. Every other issue that you've had to deal with on the pool somehow affects our insight on any particular issue.

I agree on just using caulk to fill in that small gap. Seems like such a simple solution with little downside. If it looks bad down the road, scrape it out and reapply.

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