Calculating actual amount of acid for TA drop

Apr 9, 2013
I’ve been doing the drop your pH with muratic acid and aerate back to 7.6 deal for a couple days. I can’t seem to find a calculator that gives exactly how much muratic acid it’s gonna take to get TA from 200 to 100 ppm though. I just don’t want to keep making trips to Home Depot. Is there a calculator that actually gives you that number?
You can estimate using PoolMath; Effects of Adding Chemicals.

It will not be exact as the calculations involving pH and TA are only accurate in a very small range of values. But it will give you an idea.

This would be an estimate to how much acid it will take over the span of time, DO NOT add this in one batch.
I can’t seem to find a calculator that gives exactly how much muratic acid it’s gonna take to get TA from 200 to 100 ppm though.
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way for TA. If it did, you would crash your pH dangerously low damaging the pool or equipment. That's why you have to go in stages. But don't add acid with a pH of only 7.6 Let the pH hit 8.0, then use enough acid to lower the pH to about 7.0. That larger swing should have better results on the TA.
I don’t think that they want to add it all at once, but just want to make one trip to get the correct amount.

340 oz is 2.65 gallons and that is the total amount to drop the TA by 100 ppm.

As noted, only lower the pH to 7.2 each time.
You ought to be just fine with 4 gallons. Mine took around 4 gallons to get from 200-100 and my pool is almost twice yours in volume.

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