Ability to restrict opperations on Pentair ipad App Remote for Airbnb / Renters


New member
Sep 24, 2020
La Quinta CA
Hello Everyone,

I reciently installed a Pentair system at my house. I use the house for personal use and then rent it out as a short term rental. I had set it up initally with the Pentair Quicktouch II remote and it works ok. The things I didn't like is that it doesn't show on the remote that the pool or spa was actually being heated. Of course if you hit the pool lights or jets that you can visually see it working quite easy. The second part I didn't like when the renters dropped the remote in the pool and fried it! ha ha. I am trying to set up an ipad securly mounted to the inside of the house wall and I love the control it gives you. I let my renters use the lights, jets and spa heating at no charge but we charge for pool heating as it can rack up the bill very fast. With the Quicktouch II we can control the heating remote and then the remote doesn't let them heat the pool. With the app they have 100% control. My question is this. Is there a way to limit or turn off that feature in the app so the person with the ipad at the house can not control the heating of the pool or other features?
It seems that it would be simple enough to break the wire for the output from the "pool" selection switch with an "on/off" rocker or toggle switch to disable "pool heating" when you are renting if you are unable to do it within the programming. You could even hide it in a spot that isn't easily observable to the mechanically inclined renter.
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