20x40 IG, vinyl. pool green w debris. Shock first, then clean & add h2o?

Ok, so here's my numbers for the last 3 days... Hubby added 18 oz of clarifier & 5 lbs of dichlor, and the next morning...
FC - 20
CC - 0
pH - 7.4
TA - 100
CH - 200

The next day - nothing added
FC - 11.5
CC - 0
pH - 7.2
TA - 100
CH - 200

Today - nothing added
FC - 4
CC - .5
pH - 7.2
TA - 250

Because of the dichlor, I didn't test the CYA again, but a week after the last batch of dichlor, it was still not obscured, so I'm calling 30.

I didn't do CH again because it's vinyl, and it hasn't really changed since I started testing.

The TA was at 100 for so long, and now it's doubled. Is that odd?

We can aaalllmmmmooosssttt clearly see the bottom of the deep end, but not adding more bleach when it was at 11 was a mistake I think, since the CC is now + again when it had been 0.

On the super positive side, the guy who came for the pump found one of the stray pieces would screw into the skimmer hole, so we should be able to vacuum! Once it stops raining, anyway.

I am going to have to bring the chlorine back up to 16 and start again. Not listening to the hubby this time about not needing to add more, lol.
Make hubby read the SLAM article in my Signature, and he'd realize he just wasted two days not being in the kill zone of the shock/slam value, and that the m stands for "maintain" ;) Otherwise you start to go backward, because algae can and will grow faster every time its below slam value. For that reason, when you dose, go slightly higher.
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