Stenner Wiring - Double Timer


Bronze Supporter
Jul 14, 2017
Jenkintown, PA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
There are a lot of good posts on this site about hooking up a Stenner pump, but I haven't found a good solution posted for hooking up a basic mechanical timer that syncs with a similar basic pool pump timer. Good for those of us that haven't invested in crazy automation systems. I think I have one that works. I'm no electrician but I tend to understand the systems. Please let me know if you agree this is a good solution or if I am missing something.

The goal is to power a 240V fixed rate Stenner with a basic mechanical timer such that
1) the Stenner will not run if the pool pump is not on
2) the clock to the Stenner timer maintains power

I have two Intermatic T104 timers on my pad now, only one of which is in use, controlling the pool pump. It looks like the clock power can be unwired from the terminals and connected to alternate source. So if I do this on the Stenner timer and power the terminals with the loads on the Pool pump timer I should be all set. Take a look at the wiring schematic.

As far as the load, my pump is under 8 amps and the stenner about 1 amp. I dont' know how much the timer clocks take but it can't be that much, so I don't think there is any worry about the total load on the 15 amp 240V circuit.

Anything else I am not considering?


Looks like it should work to me... the Stenner can't run unless the pool pump is running...

Just to be picky... you don't really have 240 VAC on the red wire... You have 120 volt on the red wire and 120 volts on the black wire, so between them you have 240 volts. I suspect you know that, just making sure no one reading this later gets confused...

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.
Glad to get the confirmation. Thanks. And I hope that anyone who doesnt understand how a 240V circuit works takes time to learn how the circuit works before doing something dangerous.

thanks again
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