White ring on water tile


LifeTime Supporter
May 9, 2015
Peoria, AZ
Had to drop my water level a little, the is a bit of a white ring at the old level, 32 day old water. I tried a nylon brush it helped but i can still see it. What can i do to remove it without harming the tille?
Is there a test for CSI? CH is 275.

Ok, added my numbers to Pool math, csi is showing .05.

Here is what i am dealing with afterwards.


Yes, keep CSI between -0.3 and 0. The ring around the pool will go away on its own. Mine did. I scrubbed it a bit with a nylon brush sometimes to help it along. You can lower CSI to -0.6 to help it dissolve faster.

Managing your CSI will add a decade or more to the life of your plaster. Tweak PH and TA to move the number.

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From you other thread - Go ahead and lower to 7.2 now. there is no reason to wait until 7.8 to lower it back down. PH rise is exponentially faster at low pH levels so to be most effective in lowering your TA, lower the pH to 7.2 and add acid once the pH gets to 7.4-7.5. Repeat the process until the TA gets to where you'd like it, then let the pH settle in around 7.6-7.8.

Acid will remove the ring. Put strait acid in the spray bottle if you want and use stiff brush. It will come right off.
Here are my numbers in pool math notice CSI? Is that number bad?

Strait acid will not harm the tile grout?

Ok, i thought you guys wanted me to let ph drift back to 7.8. I will drop it back to 7.2 tomorrow. What TA am i shooting for?

TA 60-70.

I consider a CSI of 0 to -0.3 ideal. Aim for that range. To lower the TA you might end up with a temporary CSI that is very negative but that is unavoidable and will not cause damage because it is short-term.

The acid will dissolve some of the grout but if you want the ring gone, the only other option is a pumice stone or a calcium eraser.

Far easier than any of that is to prevent it from forming in the first place.
No, it is not bad. But, your water has tendency to scale and the CSI is going to go up. Slightly negative is better. -0.3 to 0 is preferred. It is best to move it to -0.3 and let it rise back to 0.

60 is probably a good TA for your pool. Every pool is different. You will know more as it gets there and your pH rises less.
TA 60-70.

I consider a CSI of 0 to -0.3 ideal. Aim for that range. To lower the TA you might end up with a temporary CSI that is very negative but that is unavoidable and will not cause damage because it is short-term.

The acid will dissolve some of the grout but if you want the ring gone, the only other option is a pumice stone or a calcium eraser.

Far easier than any of that is to prevent it from forming in the first place.

Pumiice stone or calcium eraser? Will those scratch the tile? I do want to remove the ring but dont want to disolve grout or scratch tile to do it. These has to be a not damaging way to do this.

I would have avoided it if i was aware it was a problem, nobody mentioned CSI before today.
Well i just tested TA, its at 70! had not tested it since 8/17. I started dropping PH to 7.2 on Monday, I did not think it would drop TA this fast. Ran the test 3 times to confirm. So my CSI at 7.4ph is -0.34. Dropping PH to 7.2 gives me a csi of -0.53. I will keep lowering ph to 7.2 until TA drops to 60 giving a CSI of 0.3 to -0.32. This will allow PH to run at 7.5. Will try a calcium eraser tomorrow. If that does not work I will be raising the water level back up. Need a sticky on new pool owner thread to get TA down to 60-70, nobody mentioned 110-120 would creAte a scaling issue.

I cant imagine how people who are not on this forum dont have major issues with there pool, i am having a hard time and i am buried in this forum.
That's what the recommended levels are for. People with no experience or prior knowledge can test their water, read up on adjusting their levels and shoot for the recommended numbers for their type of pool.

The only reason you knew their was an issue was because you dropped the water level. Had you not done that and lowered the TA as earlier advised, the deposits would have redissolved into the water and the tile would have been as clean as the day you filled the pool.

When water evaporates it leaves everything in it behind (calcium, salt, etc). Regardless of your water chemistry, once the water evaporates and the area dries there will be some solids left over.
Yep, not blaming anyone, its my fault, was just more focused on all the other thing tests, etc, etc. Perhaps i will just raise the water level again rather than trying to mess with removing the ring. Will pick up a calcium eraser tomorrow and test it out. If that does not work i am raising the water level and will let the correct chemisty remove the ring.

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