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  1. justinc

    New pool “manager” in Louisiana

    Why do you want to use pucks? Your CYA will increase. Just let sunlight burn off the extra chlorine and don’t add so much liquid next time. No big deal. Safe to swim up to a SLAM level for your CYA.
  2. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Your total alkalinity drop won't be instantaneous. It will go down gradually. Stop measuring total alkalinity so often... just worry about pH/FC/CC for now. pH and total alkalinity are related. If your pH is wacky... your total alkalinity is probably wacky. If pH is fine... then TA is...
  3. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Try a 24 hour SLAM and see if that doesn't sort things out. For a CYA of 60, raise free chlorine to 24ppm and hold it there for a day.
  4. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Ok, then that points us more toward the CYA level being lower than you might think. The other explanation for chlorine usage going up would be the 4th of july party... but that would have probably stopped or gone back to normal once all the waste in the pool was taken care of by the chlorine...
  5. justinc

    Can't get Chlorine to hold

    To clarify what above poster said, "super high" chlorine readings that render pH testing inaccurate are anything over 10ppm (which really isn't that high in my opinion). But just want to clarify what he meant by "super high".
  6. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    If you aren't losing any overnight, then it would seem that your culprit is UV light. Are you sure your CYA level is what you think it is? When you measure, fill the tube to the first line. Look away, and then glance back and see if you can see the dot. Only glance. Do not stare at the tube...
  7. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Water looking good! You're doing a great job as a new pool owner.
  8. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    I also forgot to ask, are you testing combined chlorine? What are you getting for that result? Remember free chlorine and combined chlorine are different.
  9. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Typically, if you never let your chlorine drop below minimum (per the chart), you won't ever need to "shock" your pool. However, if you were somewhere in the lower end of acceptable... and then you had a bunch of folks in the pool.... then yes that could have put you in the position you are...
  10. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    There is a possibility that your CYA is not what you think it is therefore allowing more chlorine to go unprotected and burn off to the sun during the day. We will rule that out or in with the overnight test, but try not to get frustrated. It's all part of the learning process. Have you been...
  11. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    You may have caught it early. You're doing great by testing and adding and keeping an eye on things. If you do end up having to SLAM, it will be very brief and your chlorine usage will (should) go back to normal afterwards. But we don't know if we're there yet so just perform the overnight...
  12. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    If you can't do the test tonight, it's not an emergency. You should see about 1-4 ppm per day loss. If anything above that, you should look for alternate causes.
  13. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Well, there were a few times I think when your chlorine got below the minimum? Or am I mistaken? You may have a very small little colony of algae growing somewhere consuming chlorine and the only way to know is to perform the overnight test. You want to catch it before the pool turns cloudy...
  14. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    He is going through 6 or 7ppm per day (per private messages). OP, post here so others can help you and not just me. OP you need to perform the
  15. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    I suppose I was being extreme, but if you look back through the post history of this thread, you will see that the original poster asked why should he not use trichlor tablets... and I explained that they add cyanuric acid and that liquid bleach was better. Now he asks... well, why can't I use...
  16. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Those tablets add calcium to the water. Your choice: Pool store method or trouble free pool method. Can’t do both.
  17. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    CYA would not go up when you added calcium. They are unrelated. You either measured differently this time or more CYA has dissolved. Or you have been using powdered chlorine or tablets and not liquid. But calcium would not raise CYA. Lower your pH to 7.2 and then let it drift back up to...
  18. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Looks like a nice place to chill (both figuratively and literally!)... especially on these 95 degree days! Hopefully the fountain is helping to keep your water cooler.
  19. justinc

    Add cya or slam first?

    Also, I forgot to say, don't trust the salt cell to report an accurate reading. You should measure it yourself with a reliable kit before adding to verify. You need the Taylor K-1766 salt test if you do not have it.
  20. justinc

    Add cya or slam first?

    If you had algae, you do need to SLAM. I think Jim just didn't want you jumping to that conclusion and going through all that trouble if it wasn't necessary. But you said the magic words.... cloudy and algae... and 0 chlorine... Proceed to SLAM
  21. justinc

    Add cya or slam first?

    If your CYA is 30 do not raise it until after the SLAM. You can add the salt whenever you want. You will turn of your salt water chlorine generator during the SLAM and use only liquid chlorine.
  22. justinc

    Can't get Chlorine to hold

    Test and add chlorine daily (once per day)
  23. justinc

    Can't get Chlorine to hold

    Can you list the ingredient in your algaecide 40? Are these results from a pool store? How are you testing your water? If your algaecide 40 is ammonia based, every drop of chlorine you put in will bind up with the ammonia until it's all gone. Along with the ascorbic acid which needs to be...
  24. justinc

    Cloudy, but FC=1.0 and CC=0

    Safe to swim in 70 CYA water if chlorine is less than SLAM level of 28.
  25. justinc

    Cloudy, but FC=1.0 and CC=0

    Your SLAM won't take very long, but just make sure to do it right and don't stop until you meet all criteria (CC <0.5, crystal clear (like gin!) water, and pass the OCLT). Then just don't let you free chlorine drop so low again. When adjusting your salt water chlorine generator, start out...
  26. justinc

    Cloudy, but FC=1.0 and CC=0

    Combined chlorine won't always show up... especially if the pool has been getting a lot of sunlight. If you tested your CYA and got 60 and are confident all the CYA has dissolved out of the sock then you can use that value. I do agree that the CYA test is the hardest of all of them to really...
  27. justinc

    Cloudy, but FC=1.0 and CC=0

    If your CYA was 60 and you added additional, assume you are now closer to 70. For 70 CYA in a salt water pool per the , your free chlorine level is not supposed to ever drop below 3. Since you have water clarity issues and low chlorine there is a high chance of algae and you'll need to SLAM...
  28. justinc

    Asking for a Friend

    Results are missing cyanuric acid level. Do you have that?
  29. justinc

    New Above Ground Pool

    Check out this article on the CSI - Calcium Saturation Index (CSI) - Trouble Free Pool In a nutshell, low CSI can cause calcium to pull out of plaster. High CSI can cause scale to form. If your pool is vinyl there isn't any calcium to pull out of the walls of the pool, so you're fine.
  30. justinc

    Liquid Chlorine storage

    Is there absolutely no way you can store it somewhere climate controlled? You will not be getting full strength of your purchase product otherwise. Unless you buy in small quantities and use quickly...