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  1. P

    Getting FC Levels Right

    We are about one month into the TFP method, having done a SLAM after opening. I'm trying to find the sweet spot for FC relative to my CYA and use of the pool. Generally speaking, we have been getting FC to 7 ppm just after sunset. CYA is 40. Over the course of 24 hours, it has been pretty...
  2. P

    CYA and TA

    Two quick questions: Can CYA level drop quickly, and if so, how? -Upon opening, the CYA was only 5. We added using the sock method to get CYA to 40, and my own test and the pool store test verified the CYA level was in fact 40 (same results). I had the pool store run one because that's a...
  3. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    We've been SLAMing following the guidelines for about a week now. We have not seen any real improvement in the testing since the beginning. When the pool was first opened, we had high CC and the FC was being eaten up quickly. It took a positive turn after a short time with SLAM (1-2 days)...
  4. P

    Dolphin Cleaner During SLAM

    Hi, I was wondering if the dolphin robotic pool cleaner can/should be used during SLAM, or should I continue to use the vacuum through the filter? Thank you
  5. P

    SLAM Questions

    So we just opened our pool and had very low CYA (5) and the FC was being eaten up quickly. We thought maybe we had ammonia, but the FC held after an hour, so it must have just been interacting with the contaminants early on. We balanced the pool to have a PH of 7.2, TA of 60, and CYA of 41...
  6. P

    Vinyl Faded/Flaking around Main Floor Drains

    We have a pool that is about 10-12 years old, but is new to us as the new homeowners. After opening the pool this season, we noticed that around the two main drains in the deep end of the pool, the liner is faded almost white and looks a top layer is peeling in pieces. We are going to have a...
  7. P

    Should We Trust the Pool Store Advice?

    We just opened our 16x32, 17,280 gallon in ground pool. It was shocked, and we ran the filter for 48 hours and vacuumed to waste. We just got our water sample back, and these were our current levels: pH: 8 Total Alkanity: 55 Calcium Hardness: 198 Free Chlorine: 0.2 Total Chlorine: 2.5 CYA: 5...
  8. P

    Liquid Bleach/Chlorine Frequency

    If one assumes an optimal level of CYA, how frequently would you put liquid bleach or chlorine in the pool? Also, how does everyone store their liquid bleach/chlorine?