New and starting out

Where should I start?
Unless you can cross the border and order a TF-Series test kit, order a Taylor K-2006C from a vendor in your area. Do not try to adjust anything based on those "guess strips". They really are horrible. Use our PoolMath APP to determine how much liquid chlorine is equal to about 3-4 ppm and add that every day or two until you can get a proper kit. No guesswork and much better results. We'll help you through it.

Welcome to TFP! :wave:

Also see -----> Pool Care Basics
Unless you can cross the border and order a TF-Series test kit, order a Taylor K-2006C from a vendor in your area. Do not try to adjust anything based on those "guess strips". They really are horrible. Use our PoolMath APP to determine how much liquid chlorine is equal to about 3-4 ppm and add that every day or two until you can get a proper kit. No guesswork and much better results. We'll help you through it.

Welcome to TFP! :wave:

Also see -----> Pool Care Basics
Thanks for your reply 🙂 I'll hold off on anything other than chlorine for now. YouI wasn't able to find the 2006C but I did find this one. Would this be a good test kit? Also, I have a lot of granular chlorine on hand I was hoping to get through before switching to liquid. Is there a reason to avoid the scoopable stuff? It seems a lot cheaper than liquid.
Yes, that will work. :goodjob:
Alright, got it ordered! Once I receive it I'll update with the results and go from there :) Thanks again

While I wait for the test kit, I ran some more strips. I'm guessing the one from yesterday which read basically 0 everywhere was faulty. These are really hard to read though so it's not obvious what's going on but assuming the chlorine readings are accurate looks like I'm in a good spot.

I also have no idea what to make of those pH and alkalinity readings... Should get that kit within the next week so I'll leave it be for now. I have a heater and yesterday's test got me worried and I was tempted to dump 8kg of pH+ in the pool lol glad I haven't gone there yet 😂


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I wouldn't waste any time or energy on those test strips. Even if they were brand new they wouldn't be helpful. Think of it this way, when it comes to accuracy you have darts and hand grenades. For water testing, your K-2006 will be like precise darts. No guesswork. For now, just add about 3 ppm of liquid chlorine each day or two and you should be okay. We'll walk you through everything once you get your kit. :)
That’s the kit I have. It has served me well for 13 long years. I get my refills from tftestkits

Make sure you downloaded the Pool Math app. Start with accurate readings for chlorine, ph, alkalinity, and CYA. Then report them back here and these fine members will guide you.

It is well worth the investment to get the speedstir. Taylor SpeedStir
We had it for 10 years and then it got misplaced last year. I was in h-e-double L. Lol You don’t realize how much it helps with accuracy until you have used it and lost it. I ordered another one this spring because I refuse to do another season without it. I don’t care if we suddenly find the other, it’s worth it. Last year was brutal 🤣. When I received the new one it was such a breeze to complete all the tests again.

By the way, you’ll never touch test strips again. You will now join the ranks of those that belly laugh at them. Toss those useless things in the garbage. Your alkalinity had tyedye results for goodness sakes.
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Alright so here are my test results from today with the Taylor kit. I also ran test strips to compare.

FC 7.2. Is this a problem?
CC 0.2
PH 7.2? Picture attached I'm not sure under what lighting conditions to read it. Looking for advice.
TA 100 to 125, ran it once with 25ml and once with 10ml
CH 150
CYA 40

Thanks again everyone for your advice. I'm glad I didn't only use the test strips. I'd be increasing my CYA and alkalinity to unreasonable levels if I just used those darn strips. Really misleading.


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