Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 Monday.

I'm starting the 4 Dimensional Hypersphere Society where we claim that Earth is a 4-d Hypersphere and we will make up lots of convincing arguments about why that is the correct model.

Do “chartered members” get free gift cards to Dairy Queen for joining ?
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Just like the supposed “moon landing” …

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I think that’s all part of it. I watched a quick video by Neil deGrasse who very diplomatically said there is several buildings full of drawings, designs, engineering plans and certifications and that it would be harder to fake all that stuff then actually just going there.

I think we found out that it’s a very difficult thing to do and that it’s much easier just to send a little six wheeled robot. Still very expensive but everyone needs a hobby right.
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Here are the queens you will get to meet.

Queen Margrethe II is Denmark's first queen.

Queen Letizia is part of the Spanish royal family.

Queen Máxima is married to King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

Queen Silvia is married to King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

Queen Sonja is married to King Harald V of Norway.

Queen Nanasipau'u rules in Tonga.

Queen Mathilde is married to King Philippe, King of the Belgians.

Queen 'Masenate Mohato Seeiso is the queen of Lesotho.

Queen Rania married then-prince Abdullah bin Al Hussein of Jordan in 1993.

Jetsun Pema is queen consort of Bhutan and she is the youngest living queen. She took the throne at 21 years old when she married King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan in 2011.

Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk is the queen mother of Cambodia.

Queen Saleha is the queen of Brunei.

And, as a bonus, you will also get to meet Queen Latifah (aka Dana Elaine Owens) because it is her birthday today.

Born March 18, 1970.
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The flat earth believers think the accepted planetary system model is a conspiracy driven by NASA and the government.

So the sole reason for NASA's existence is to maintain a conspiracy?

So what's the conspiracy behind the conspiracy? Why do the FEs think the planetary system is a conspiracy? Just plain old money that NASA wants to get from the government to fund their projects? Or something deeper?
So the sole reason for NASA's existence is to maintain a conspiracy?

So what's the conspiracy behind the conspiracy? Why do the FEs think the planetary system is a conspiracy? Just plain old money that NASA wants to get from the government to fund their projects? Or something deeper?
I really don’t know. I sometimes can’t tell who’s agreeing with what and then the insults start. I think NASA comes into it as the provider of the planetary space photos. The FE‘s never seem to address the fact that there are a bunch of space agencies other than NASA that provide similar info. And they are very protective of the ice wall, totally ignoring the fact that we fly over Antarctica, sail around it, have people live and work on it and have never seen this wall they speak of, but that’s just a conspiracy to.
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I think we are all living in a giant computer at the end of the universe.

I actually read this thing when it came out in 1995 -

I stumbled across it in a bookstore and thought "why not"

It is a hot mess of physics, religion, and some really poor logic. However, I finished the Dang thing. Surprisingly, it is still not "The Worst Book I Ever Read". Wild Animus still holds that title

Some reviews

It all seems appropriately and wonderfully wackadoo—another reviewer makes the believable claim that Tipler is nuts. Brilliant, interesting, compelling, but nuts. This book comes across as a genius's urgent need to heal the pain of the Holocaust by resurrecting the dead in the grandest thought-experiment of all time.

It wasn't wholly due to the fact that I was really hoping for his outrageous theory of the Omega Point to be law, it was also because of the pompous language he uses in parts of the book. He talks like he's the next ******* Issac Newton. And he waves his equations around in order to overwhelm his more laymen readers into accepting that he must be right because he obviously knows his Darn. But his mathematics have no apparent relevance to anything he talks about. I might as well construct some wild theory that cheese contains the only particle capable of resisting the gravitational pull of black holes, and that one day all matter will be sucked into a black hole, only to leave an abundance of cheese floating in space, wherein the dairy product will eventually clump into spheres, become massive enough to warp space and develop a gravitational field. Then a species of cheese dwellers will evolve.

Now comes along one Prof. Frank Tipler, who, with The Physics of Immortality (TPOI), takes everything one giant step further by asserting that science and religion not only can coexist, but religion is in fact a branch of physics. Holy mind-bend, Batman!

The month when this book was released was also the month that astrophysicists reported that the expansion of this universe has been observed accelerating; while latest results and conclusions about astrophysics have utterly destroyed Professor Tipler's bizarre and false beliefs, some of his many baseless assertions were known to be wrong decades to centuries before he wrote this book.

I read this 30-year-old book because I couldn't find any other else on the subject of religion and science newer, I finished as I finish all books that I'm reading. I enjoy those new theories that posit but I guess should be in line with a proper argument and not randomly trow. Maybe the author was under drugs or after a severe head contusion. The main argument for his Omega Point Theory is that human beings could be wholly simulated by a computer at the end of the universe.
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I think we are all living in a giant computer at the end of the universe.

I actually read this thing when it came out in 1995 -

I stumbled across it in a bookstore and thought "why not"

It is a hot mess of physics, religion, and some really poor logic. However, I finished the Dang thing. Surprisingly, it is still not "The Worst Book I Ever Read". Wild Animus still holds that title

Some reviews

It all seems appropriately and wonderfully wackadoo—another reviewer makes the believable claim that Tipler is nuts. Brilliant, interesting, compelling, but nuts. This book comes across as a genius's urgent need to heal the pain of the Holocaust by resurrecting the dead in the grandest thought-experiment of all time.

It wasn't wholly due to the fact that I was really hoping for his outrageous theory of the Omega Point to be law, it was also because of the pompous language he uses in parts of the book. He talks like he's the next ******* Issac Newton. And he waves his equations around in order to overwhelm his more laymen readers into accepting that he must be right because he obviously knows his Darn. But his mathematics have no apparent relevance to anything he talks about. I might as well construct some wild theory that cheese contains the only particle capable of resisting the gravitational pull of black holes, and that one day all matter will be sucked into a black hole, only to leave an abundance of cheese floating in space, wherein the dairy product will eventually clump into spheres, become massive enough to warp space and develop a gravitational field. Then a species of cheese dwellers will evolve.

Now comes along one Prof. Frank Tipler, who, with The Physics of Immortality (TPOI), takes everything one giant step further by asserting that science and religion not only can coexist, but religion is in fact a branch of physics. Holy mind-bend, Batman!

The month when this book was released was also the month that astrophysicists reported that the expansion of this universe has been observed accelerating; while latest results and conclusions about astrophysics have utterly destroyed Professor Tipler's bizarre and false beliefs, some of his many baseless assertions were known to be wrong decades to centuries before he wrote this book.

I read this 30-year-old book because I couldn't find any other else on the subject of religion and science newer, I finished as I finish all books that I'm reading. I enjoy those new theories that posit but I guess should be in line with a proper argument and not randomly trow. Maybe the author was under drugs or after a severe head contusion. The main argument for his Omega Point Theory is that human beings could be wholly simulated by a computer at the end of the universe.

I got this book years ago as a present. I figured if his theories were accepted in the science community, then I had heard about him. I started reading, but decided that it would be just a waste of time to finish it and op-shopped it. Like you, I usually finish books I start, but this one was the one exception to the rule.
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I'm starting the 4 Dimensional Hypersphere Society where we claim that Earth is a 4-d Hypersphere and we will make up lots of convincing arguments about why that is the correct model.
I have completed my proof that Earth is a 4 dimensional hypersphere in a 12 dimensional Universe made of super dimensional cross linked hyperstrings.

If anyone wants to check the math to verify, please let me know if it checks out.

I have completed my proof that Earth is a 4 dimensional hypersphere in a 12 dimensional Universe made of super dimensional cross linked hyperstrings.

If anyone wants to check the math to verify, please let me know if it checks out.

View attachment 559580

Nice try, James. Just went through it. Unfortunately, at one point you would have needed to use the conjugate matrix, which made the whole proof collapse:


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I know that this must have been your life's work. Hope you don't fall into a black hole now...
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I know that this must have been your life's work.
Pfffffft. James worked that out while waiting at a red light. The lady behind him honked the second it turned green and he hit the wrong key before tossing the phone on the passenger seat.
Pfffffft. James worked that out while waiting at a red light. The lady behind him honked the second it turned green and he hit the wrong key before tossing the phone on the passenger seat.

Ah, the times have changed. When I started driving, I used to think "wake up" when someone missed the light turning green. Now it's "get off your $#&$#$# phone".

I have to admit that I usually don't consider that someone might be solving the all-important question of the nature of the universe at the traffic light. My bad...
You have to multitask.

I have 10 applications on my phone going as well as a 4 burner propane stove in the passenger seat to cook dinner on.

I currently have a large pot of water boiling for lobster and a pot of water for spaghetti as well as spaghetti sauce cooking.

I will also practice my calligraphy as I get the chance.
  • Haha
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You have to multitask.

I have 10 applications on my phone going as well as a 4 burner propane stove in the passenger seat to cook dinner on.

I currently have a large pot of water boiling for lobster and a pot of water for spaghetti as well as spaghetti sauce cooking.

I will also practice my calligraphy as I get the chance.

Ah, that car I saw the other day with the wipers on the inside must belong to you then. The price you have to pay to get a decent snack at the traffic light.
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