How high do you run your SWCG?


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 29, 2012
Mt. Airy, MD
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
I finally broke down and made the switch to a SWCG because the availability and climbing price of liquid chlorine was taking away from my enjoyment of the pool.
I bought the Circupool RJ-45 Plus, which is 'sized' for a 45,000 gallong pool. My pool is around 24k gallons, and the increase in price wasn't a lot to go bigger.

Obviously the size of your SWCG vs pool size, how much sun you get, whether you cover the pool or not, CYA levels, how much contamination you get from swimming, weather, etc. all make a difference in chlorine demand......I'm curious: What level do you run your SWCG to maintain chlorine most of the time?
I do keep the solar cover on and assumed I would need to keep the SWCG at about 25% (I run the pump full time) to maintain adequate free chlorine.

I have it set at 5% and am just about at equilibrium for what I need to maintain FC levels where the charts here advise.
I ran my RJ30+ at 40% for ~8hrs per day on average. Screen enclose 12800 gal pool. CYA 70 or more was key during hot months. Pool was used everyday year-round for 3 years then sold. I still know the neighbors and it's still going strong now at 4 years.
What's your CYA? FC at 7 is very high unless your CYA is like 100.
My CYA is around 80. I tried running it lower to around 4 and got algae after a few days of thunderstorms .
But to me a salt pool feels smooth and doesn’t have a chlorine odor so really no down side to 7 over 5. The upside is I don’t have to worry about algae :)
@iadams 7ppm FC for a pool in a sunny clime allows the pool to lose a certain daily amount to the sun and still remain above minimum levels.

FC/CYA Levels

Maddie :flower:
Last year I ran mine at 40% 24/7 and still had to add some extra chlorine every month to keep up. This year I cleaned it a month after we started up. Boy what a difference now it is running at 10% and it's staying pretty steady at 5ppm.

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