First Year Rookie

Ok just wanted to check in and post my current numbers.

FC - 2
CC - 1
TC - 3
TA - 40
CYA - 50
PH - 7.0
CH -75

Any suggestions?
Pool looks awesome!

any ideas on keeping my White Vinyl Steps clean?
Seems to always get a yellowish ring around the water level, especially after a lot of swimmers

Your FC is below your minimum for your CYA. See FC/CYA Levels

Why are you not populating your PoolMath app with your test results? I see chemical additions but not the test data.
Ok just wanted to check in and post my current numbers.

FC - 2
CC - 1
TC - 3
TA - 40
CYA - 50
PH - 7.0
CH -75

Any suggestions?
Pool looks awesome!

any ideas on keeping my White Vinyl Steps clean?
Seems to always get a yellowish ring around the water level, especially after a lot of swimmers

Did you complete the SLAM? 1 CC says you didn't.

Yellow ring sounds like pollen.
There they are. You might want to go into your Setup and untrack CSI -- not really applicable to a liner pool.

The 1 CC is problematic. Raise your FC to 20% of CYA for a couple days and see if that clears up. Also start testing every day and adding liquid chlorine. You need to be sure your FC stays well above the minimum.
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