Wiki Link issue

I see what you mean. The link just puts you back on the same page. There also seem to be several similar-named articles about the pH & TA, so I'm going to tag @ajw22 to take a look in case he knows which article specifically the topic was supposed to point to.

Thanks for letting us know. :goodjob:
Allen, here are some links I found. I think the first one might be the one that was supposed to be linked in the Wiki article, but you can confirm as well.

Looks like someone already adjusted the link.
Thanks for letting us know

Didn't know if I should post this here considering it was not this particular wiki issue, but a wiki page with a dead link.

See Salt Cell Failure - Post-mortem with pictures (Links to the below page.)

so when I ggogled that page it led me to this page also.

Is there a specific place to report dead links, maybe I missed it, seen a few.
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