Why the recommendation for using a sock in front of a return to add CYA?

Apr 25, 2017
Greensboro, NC
Just curious: why is this the recommendation I see around here? As with everything I've read on TFP I'm sure there's a good reason, I just haven't come across it yet.

When I started my SLAM process over a month ago (which resulted in a crystal-clear pool that has stayed clear since then, thanks!) I was in a bit of a rush due to my wife being slightly impatient. ;) I didn't have any long socks on hand that I could have used, so I followed the instructions on the container of CYA.

The instructions on the Clorox brand CYA said to slowly pour it into the skimmer while the pump is running, which is what I did. Never had any issues. CYA bumped up from 0 to 40, easy peasy.

So what's the reasoning for using a sock in front of a return to distribute CYA? :confused:
Because it takes a long time to dissolve.
And because many of the members here prefer a hands on approach...
Ive also read posts that suggested that CYA could "get stuck in a quiet portion of the filter" and never dissolve.
Which in my opinion is BS ... but ...
Pour CYA in the skimmer while dealing with a green pond and you'll have problems. The filter will load up with algae, and you'll need to backwash, and any granules that haven't dissolved already are gone down the drain. Scatter the CYA over the pool surface as some brands instruct and it will end up on the floor and leave white freckles behind. It is, after all, an acid.

That's why we say use a sock.
The first time I added CYA via stabilizer in my pool I added to the skimmer. Had to keep adding it. When we cleaned out our filter the bottom of the container was filled with the white powder. It didn't dissolve. Basically money going down the drain. I also learned that I need to change out the filter after the first week or to after opening. I couldn't even find stabilizer at my local Walmart this year.
Pour CYA in the skimmer while dealing with a green pond and you'll have problems. The filter will load up with algae, and you'll need to backwash, and any granules that haven't dissolved already are gone down the drain. Scatter the CYA over the pool surface as some brands instruct and it will end up on the floor and leave white freckles behind. It is, after all, an acid.

That's why we say use a sock.
Gotcha, thanks!
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