White line on tile


Silver Supporter
May 30, 2012
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
Only real issue I have since switching to SWG a month ago, is I'm getting a "ring around the pool". Either from salt or calcium. I got my calcium down to 450, but even when higher with LC, I never noticed the line. Nylon brush doesn't do it. Suggestions?


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I used 25% MA in spray bottle yesterday. Lots of foaming. Twice around seems to have done the trick. Could be my CH was like 900 at start of year, until I drained a lot. Now 450.


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If it foamed, its a calcium/scale issue.
Hopefully once u get it cleaned up & really stay on top of csi it won’t come back.
Is your fill water high in ch? If so can u use softened water to top off the pool?
MY CH stays at bottom of recommended range. Liquid chlorine, but still get that at the evaporation line from time to time. I keep a more diluted spray bottle of MA/Water in the kit, and just give it a spray and wipe/wash down while in the pool as regular tile maintenance. It comes off easy if you don't let it build up. The first time I went after it, it was almost past the point of the solution. Everything burned off but a faint line I could not remove. I overfilled the pool for a day or two and lowered the pH to about 7.2-7.4 and the line disappeared.
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Yeah, had to take a razor blade to a couple spots, but most came off with the spray.

If it's not one thing it's another. Notice my water level was down a couple inches, auto fill filling, then I noticed water coming from waste line ☹️. Took apart multi valve and sure enough gasket shot. I'd bought a new multiport valve a year or so ago, since gasket was glued in good (glued into new one too). Trip to HD for 2" unions.
Was able to save the existing unions by moving the filter 2"closer to the pump! A bit of sanding paint off, and good to go. Will wait an hour before turning things back on. Old one shown in photo (after tearing gasket out). $32 worth of union back to HD.


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Fill is 220, no softener. At least it's diluting the 450!

Longterm, it's only diluting the calcium concentration when replacing pool water directly with fill water, like backwashing-losses or splash-out. I guess, that's what you were referring to, just thought it's worth clarifying that for newbies reading the thread.

When replacing evaporated water, then you are swapping CH 0 water with CH 220 water. The calcium doesn't evaporate and builds up with every fill water addition, even though you are momentarily diluting the calcium concentration while filling.

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Just got my water bill ☹️. I think my multi port valve gasket must have had a slow leak before it burst. My usage was 3x normal! I did drain and fill about 8k gallons (not the extra 30k!). Lesson learned, check for leaks out the water line!
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