When Should A Hayward DE Filter Assembly Be Replaced?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2022
I have a Hayward DE6020 Filter that was installed when the pool was put in in 2004.

The filter works great and there are no leaks.

The filter has been covered with sunshade material that is used to screen out the sun and UV rays since 2009.

I can get a good deal on a brand new exact replacement Hayward Filter from a friend that would save me about $200-$300 over what the store charges down the street.

So my question is, should I replace my nearly 20 year old Hayward DE6020 filter now with the "good deal" on a brand new one or should I just keep using my old filter?

Looking for a consensus on what I should do.

How many years should one expect to safely get out of a Hayward DE filter assembly?

I don't want a catastrophic failure that could cause injury as well so...........

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I have a Hayward DE6020 Filter that was installed when the pool was put in in 2004.

The filter works great and there are no leaks.

The filter has been covered with sunshade material that is used to screen out the sun and UV rays since 2009.

I can get a good deal on a brand new exact replacement Hayward Filter from a friend that would save me about $200-$300 over what the store charges down the street.

So my question is, should I replace my nearly 20 year old Hayward DE6020 filter now with the "good deal" on a brand new one or should I just keep using my old filter?

Looking for a consensus on what I should do.

If you have to switch, I would switch to a cartridge filter. But there’s no reason to replace it if it’s working fine.
The filter works great and there are no leaks.
Well then, there ya go. :) it could last another 10 years being protected from the elements.

$200 to $300 off is great today, but they go on sale a few times a year and might even be better deals if you have some warning and can wait for a sale to replace it.

I personally speculate the prices will come down at some point, everything is still outrageously expensive. They've lost me, and many others as customers because of it.
I have a Hayward DE6020 Filter that was installed when the pool was put in in 2004.

The filter works great and there are no leaks.

The filter has been covered with sunshade material that is used to screen out the sun and UV rays since 2009.

I can get a good deal on a brand new exact replacement Hayward Filter from a friend that would save me about $200-$300 over what the store charges down the street.

So my question is, should I replace my nearly 20 year old Hayward DE6020 filter now with the "good deal" on a brand new one or should I just keep using my old filter?

Looking for a consensus on what I should do.

How many years should one expect to safely get out of a Hayward DE filter assembly?

I don't want a catastrophic failure that could cause injury as well so...........

Those tanks, especially if it has been shaded, can last twice as long as yours has been in service. Sometimes, if the tank gets "chalky," washing it down with a Scotch-type scrubber and soap and water to remove the "chalk" and then painting the tank with a color-matching, or clear, paint, will add life to the tank.

That's what I did with mine, Pentair actually makes a color-matched paint for this purpose (just had it added to an order at a supplier. Should have asked the cost $15.00 each can). Its about 15 years old now and no issues.

When servicing a customer's Pentair filter, I won't even touch it unless that is done first. Can't tell you how long it takes to get all the fiberglass out of your clothes and skin if it isn't done.
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If you have to switch, I would switch to a cartridge filter. But there’s no reason to replace it if it’s working fine.
I am using Fiber Clear in my DE filter and the water is amazingly clear like it never was with DE media. That is because Fiber Clear filters down the single digit micron level. No cartridge filter can do that. I am staying with the DE grids.
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I have the same filter, also installed in 2004. The only part I’ve had to replace is the air relief assembly (I accidentally cracked it over tightening the pressure gauge). It’s been great. My thought is if it ain’t broke….. 😀👍
I am using Fiber Clear in my DE filter and the water is amazingly clear like it never was with DE media. That is because Fiber Clear filters down the single digit micron level. No cartridge filter can do that. I am staying with the DE grids.
Nothing wrong with that decision. I dislike the DE hassles and mess so I’m obviously against using them but if you’re happy then that’s ok. Side note: extreme filtering isn’t needed for a clear pool, it’s more about sanitation. There’s a few TFP clear pool examples using a sand filter.
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