When do you add chlorine?


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
Houston, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-30 Plus
Are you guys adding at the start of the day or at night? I like to keep my FC at 8 and in direct sunlight I lose about 3-4 over the course of the day. In order to not drop too far while I am at work put enough bleach to get me to 12FC at night when I come home. When I return home the following day I am back to 8-8.5. Am I doing it right?

So far it is has worked out pretty good. I was losing 5-8 Fc a day and passing the overnight drop test, so I bumped my CYA up to about 60 and am having better results. I ordered the blue devil CYA kit and I will say it is 100 times easier to read than what came with my TFT Kit.
What you are doing is fine.

The theory on using the Target Level in the FC/CYA Levels is that with normal FC loss each day, you will not go below the Minimum. But what you are doing is great, add enough to not go below Target level.

With your CYA at 60 your minimum FC is 5 ppm.. So as long as you don't go below 5 you should be ok..

Trying to maintain 8 constantly and only adding once a day is the issue.. But, other than burning through more chlorine than you need to... it does not hurt anything.


Jim R.
Ok I didn’t understand the target FC already took into account daily FC consumption. Is there any downside to keeping it higher as I am doing now, besides bleach costs? What about my cleaner? Any additional wear with the higher FC?

I lose 2-4 a day depending on the weather. My pool needs to be replastered and there is rough areas where the algae first appears and is tough to clean. I also don’t have much shade and have a lot of pollen and whatever else from the trees, hence my rationale for keeping things on the high side of the FC range.
No down side. At higher FC levels you will get a bit more loss each day. But not much.
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