What's your current pool temp?

Finally got around to using the heat pump and I found that 79 degrees is the magic number for being warm enough to swim in without getting cold. Went up to 80 and I don't think I would have wanted it much higher as it would have been too hot.
86 when I got outside and solar was on. Because of the cold front and rain yesterday. Solar heated it to 87 and shut off a little bit ago.

Gilligan workin it!
83 here - just gave up and turned the heater on - I want it up to 86. Happy for the rain, but the showers are just spread out every 3 to 5 days - will get to 84 and then it drops back to 80. Going to help it out a little today and think it will hold for the week once I get to 86 today.
We are at 85 without solar. I am happy when the cold fronts come in and the pool temperature drops since I know we will be fighting the hot water temperatures later in the summer. I find that my preference for the pool temperature is very relative to the outdoor weather conditions. But if I had to pick magic number for water temperature I think it would be 87°.

It's interesting... I went to bed with the pool at 84° and it dropped to 82° by this morning. The warm sunny weather will raise the temperature of course, but when I swim I can feel the heat radiating from the floor of the pool so I'm sure all that retained heat in the ground helps the temperature recover quickly. (faster than I'd like!)

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I am feeling jealous seeing all of these 80's and 90's. My pool has been open since early May and I have only gotten temps as high at 78 but it has cooled off a bit and am now at a (refreshing?) 74 today. Too cheap to run nat gas heater, don't have solar panels so using old Sol to directly (slowly) heat pool.

My solar cover did most of the heavy lifting in spring to get the temps up. Once the pool, ignite and ground are warm it is easier to maintain.

Yes, preferred water temp is definitely relative to air temp. 87 to 89 is good in spring and fall. 89-91 is good in summer. 93 is the tipping point where it is too hot for us.
An hour and 20 minutes to get from 83 to 87 with the heater. Don't like spending it - especially in the summer, but with the temps coming up this week - high 90's - I'm thinking it will hold it. Makes the pool much more usable. Ah - to start planning the solar - more like saving for the solar, maybe in the next year sometime.
82 this morning but we had a bad storm last night and there is a tone of sand in the pool so I'm brushing like crazy to get it ready for this afternoon...don't you just love new pool build drama :(
81 this morning with rain the last few days as well as overnight and this morning. Kicked the heater on with a target of 90. Gaining a couple degrees/hr. Air temps are still low 70's (CRAZY fir July in Ok!), forecasted to only get to 82-83 today, so 90 should feel good for all the littles this afternoon.

Happy 4th of July everyone! Enjoy your freedom, your family & friends, and be safe!

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