VS Pump size for my pool?


Gold Supporter
Oct 18, 2023
Central TX
I have a 16x32 in-ground pool that is 7ft in the deep end, I think it's about 21,000 gallons? There's 1 skimmer, 1 drain, and existing PVC pipe is all 1 1/2 inch, going through an aging 220v Hayward 1.5 HP Superpump, to a Pentair Tagelus T60 sand filter (60GPM flow).

I'd like to upgrade to a VS pump for energy savings, and keep the Hayward as a backup. I'd very much appreciate advice on the size of pump to purchase. I'm looking at Calimar 1.5 or 3 HP motors, and can't tell which to buy. Near as I can tell, between the drain and skimmer, I have about 70 ft of head.

I've seen some advice saying "go as big as you can afford" and other advice saying to place with same size as what you're taking out.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated... Thanks!!!

If your current pump is 1.5 HP and you buy a 1.5 HP VS pump, you will have to run it at full speed to get the same water movement..

Why buy a VS pump and run it a full speed???

I would never recommend a small (1.5 HP) VS pump, no matter the size of the pool.

The small pump will work, but the bigger pump will work better.


Jim R.
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