Use of Main Drain


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2016
Tampa, Florida
My pool has one main drain and the skimmer. The pool is in a screen enclosure and we don't really experience material (leaves, etc.) sitting on the bottom of the pool. We also do NOT have a circulation system in the pool floor.

What I am wondering is how important that main drain is and based on that how much the valve should be on. It seems our skimmer does a lot of cleaning by catching small surface material.

Currently I keep the skimmer valve at 2/3rds on and the main drain at 1/3rd on.
For you the main drain will help you circulate the water to keep it mixed up and to help cool the upper water by mixing it with the cooler bottom water OR to help mix it to warm it all up when you have the heater on.

I bet you could go 3/4 to 1/4 skimmer/MD. Play with is and see what works best for you.

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