Treating Chloramines at new fill


New member
Mar 19, 2024
Hi. After battling combined chlorine using MPS, Taylor kits and bleach I'm finishing a clean and refill. My tap water has about 2ppm CC and no FC. pH is about 7.5. I'm planning on adding my boric acid too. I want to get zero CC and try to see if bleach only will allow me to keep good levels of FC and low CC before using MPS if needed. What is the best way to treat the new fill CC prior to (or after?) balancing the water or best sequence? I didn't know to do SLAM or what starting with 0 ppm cyanuric acid as 10xCC I've read is iffy. I think I've learned here to use dichlor until 20-30 ppm cya but I don't want to mess up this new fill. Thank you!
I would not worry about CC from your tap water.

Chloramines that appear as CCs are added to municipal water in some areas.

Chloramines (also known as secondary disinfection) are disinfectants used to treat drinking water and they:

  • Are most commonly formed when ammonia is added to chlorine to treat drinking water.
  • Provide longer-lasting disinfection as the as the water moves through pipes to consumers.
Chloramines have been used by water utilities since the 1930s. More than one in five Americans uses drinking water treated with chloramines.

For more information see US EPA - Chloramines in Drinking Water.

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