Time for SLAM?


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Nov 7, 2018
Oklahoma City, OK
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-60 Plus
I have been on TFP for several years and have had no issues with water clarity while using the TFP system until now. Long story short, there is slight milky haze to my normally pristine and crystal clear water. On occasion, a rain storm will wash some organic mess into the pool, but will clear up after a couple of days running the pump and running the robot a few times. However, after the last rain (6 days ago), I have not been able to clear the pool to what it looks like normally. The pool water has just now reached 60 degrees with the warmer temps and I have pushed up the chlorine levels the last few days to see if that would help clear it (with LC, not using SWCG yet). I have also installed brand new filters just to alleviate that as an issue. Previously, any cloudiness I saw was usually because the PH had crept up but a little MA would clear it back up in short order. Anyway, here are my current numbers:

FC: 12.0
CC: 0
PH: 7.6
TA: 100
CH: 550
CYA: 70
SALT: 2400
CSI: -0.02
Temp: 60

I do not winterize the pool and run the "full test" about once a month in the down season. My PH tends to creep up gradually, so I add about 2 cups of MA once every couple of weeks. The only numbers that look askew (from normal) the CH (normally around 325-350) and TA that has been consistently 70-80. I did an OCLT yesterday and had a zero FC loss. So, does anything stick out to all you smart TFP folks? I thought I would check in before starting a SLAM.
Nothing seems odd with the numbers above. The fact you passed the OCLT would appear to rule out algae. Whatever is suspended in the water may just require a few days to get captured by the filter. By chance no one added any laundry bleach that may have had some odd by-products? No other unusual chemicals?
Nothing seems odd with the numbers above. The fact you passed the OCLT would appear to rule out algae. Whatever is suspended in the water may just require a few days to get captured by the filter. By chance no one added any laundry bleach that may have had some odd by-products? No other unusual chemicals?
Nope, nothing out of the ordinary. I use the "liquid shock" LC from Atwood's and have never had issues with it in the past. With the pool temp just reaching 60 degrees, I really thought that algae wouldn't be present and/or growing. I guess I will let the filter keep on keeping on and see what manifests in the next couple of days.
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I love that Atwoods has our chlorine and usually at a great price :)

My water is now up to 62 degrees and I started running the SWG
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Well, this morning the pool is looking much better. I guess there was just a lot more dirt/gunk in there than I thought. I will let it run for the rest of the day and I have the SWCG up and running now. I also talked to my neighbor and he also noted his pool had a lot of dirt he had to deal with and he thought it was because of some pretty windy/dry days we had last week. So, still no SLAM needed. TFP STILL for the win!!!

Unrelated, it appears that my robot has lost a couple of it's foam wheels (they were in the robot's debris trap) but seems to still be working just fine. I guess it's time to go find some new wheels!
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