Texas IG Gunite Build

Long overdue update on my owner build. After an extended delay and some changes we finally started construction. Gunite is complete and next step is waterline & coping. It has definitely been a learning experience. Decided to do the plumbing and electrical myself. I'm sure this will end up saving significant money but it was more time consuming that I had expected. Biggest issue so far has been sourcing subs. I live in College Station, Tx (about 60 miles from Houston). Due to the size of our local market, most pool subs actually travel from the Houston area. They are willing to do so for the pool builders with consistent work but understandably more hesitant to travel for an one off owner build. All and all, things have gone well on the project with a few expected mistakes. My biggest so far was not supervisng the excavation close enough. I was constantly measuring the depths as they were digging but was only measuring the edges to the top of form. The middle of the pool was dug too deep (6"-8" in places) and I did not discover this untill gunite day. The problem was easily solved but just required significantly more gunite ($$$) than required or expected.

I am currently looking for a tile / coping guy in the area. If anyone has a contact for someone they would recommend I would love to hear from you. Also, if owner builders in the College Station area are looking for contact I would be more than happy to share mine or just talk about my build experience.
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