Testing Ozone Generator


New member
Jul 14, 2023
Madison, WI
We’ve recently purchased a Bullfrog A7 hot tub, but I’m questioning whether or not the ozone generator is working right. Every time I go into the showroom, the ozone generator is running, but I have yet to actually see a stream of bubbles running from ours. Is there a mode to put the A7 into to see the ozone generator running? Someone told me it only runs during filtering modes, but the pump is running and you never see the stream of bubbles.
The ozonator does not produce the bubbles, those are created by a venturi (mazzie) valve, and it makes bubbles any time the pump is moving water through it. Ozone is produced by passing oxygen through UV light. The ozonator is just a UV source. If not working the bubbles are still there, they are just normal air not ozone.
The fact that you do not see any bubbles would indicate some plumbing or pump issue.
I am not familiar with newer bullfrogs. Post a pic of the equipment area and I may be able to help more, but it's really a warranty issue if this is a new tub.
You are right about the venturi valve. I see a large tube coming from a pump then going to a t-valve where the ozone tube come in. I’ll have to look at the showroom hot tub the next time I go in.


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In the hose from the ozonator there should be a check valve, if installed backward it will not work.
The mazzei valve has a directional arrow showing water flow, which should point away from the pump. It will not work if installed backward.
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