Switching to swg


Bronze Supporter
May 14, 2017
I'm thinking of switching to a SWG. I have a steel walled 28k pool. The liner was replaced by the previous homeowner 2 years ago. I chatted with a pool guy about it and he recommended not because my garage is too close to the pool and the salt will eat it up. I'm having a hard time believing him since people have houses near or on salt water all the time. Should I be concerned?


The level of salt in a SWG pool is relatively low. The ocean is ten times as salty. The only salt damage we commonly see is very soft stone used in dry climates. I don't see that you would have a problem with the garage. If anything I would be more concerned about the steel walls should there be a leak. But then if there is a leak, steel will rust in wet conditions with or without salt.

Have your pool guy show you a salt pool that has caused this type of damage. I bet he can't...

Is the cactus there to prevent people from running on your deck...? :p

I have three salt pools and I don't' see any evidence of salt damage of any kind to any of them.

You will love the ease of maintenance of having a saltwater pool..


Jim R.
I think your pool guy just wants to keep selling you lots of chemicals you won't need once you switch to a SWG. My pool is within 8 to 10 feet of the main house, all the way down its length on one side (2 foot wide bed down length of house, and 7-8 feet of concrete to the water). I've had a SWG for going on the 3rd year now, and the pool water is never gonna "eat the house up". The salt stays in the pool, and what small amount the kids track around on the deck when they are running from the ladder to the diving board is not even enough to affect the plants around the pool when the rain or hose washes it off into the beds and grass.
I will tell anyone that will listen that the best things I ever did for my pool are:

1. Switching from a sand filter to a D.E. filter 15 years ago.
2. Finding THIS WEBSITE 3 years ago, and switching to using a good test kit, and bleach to chlorinate my pool.
3. Switching to a SWG 2 summers ago.

The D.E. filter improved water quality and made dealing with clarifier, algaecide, lots of other stuff like that a thing of the past, as it just filters out so much more than the old high rate sand filter ever could. The salt water system has made it such that I've not even had to shock the pool in 2 years, or do much beyond keeping the salt levels, pH and alkalinity in the right range. I'm basically still practicing the methods taught on this website, without having to add several gallons a week of chlorine to the pool.
Don't worry about it. Its good to remember that all chlorine pools are essentially salt water pools - its just the level. Even if you add just chlorine bleach, the salt level will increase. As also stated, the salt level is so low its nothing to really be concerned about.
I made the switch to a Jandy TruClear SWG. everything seems to be working well.

question i have the testing results.

Clorox salt test reads 2816
Aquachek reads aabout 2800
Taylor K-1766 says 3200

my gut says to trust the drop test but was surprised on the variance with with the aquachek. from what i recall reading people felt they were pretty accurate

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As someone mentioned your environment does play a key point. My builder used soft stone around the edging of my deck. The stone is really badly eroded. Deck chairs or slightly eroded but it could also be the Texas sun beats them down. My diving board took a serious hit due to the salt. I had to have it taken apart and all of the metal parts coated with some sort of plasma spray, I can't member his proper name now. But there will be something's that get degraded. By the salt
None of the salt tests are point-on accuracy. A couple hundred in the variation seems pretty normal. So if I used more than one salt test, I would just average them for a result, and move on. As long as my SWG is happy, I'm happy. Salt level tests vs what my salt system says is only useful to show up an aging, failing salt cell anyway.
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