SWG works too well

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SWG % and chlorine out put needs to be adjusted up and down as the sun angle changes with the seasons. It is not a set it and forget it setting.

Do you have PoolMath? It will do the calculations for you on your FC output for a given SWG % and runtime in Effects of Adding.

Lower your SWG % to maybe 20% or 15% and see if your chlorine stops rising or begins falling.

Why not just reduce the output to 20% or 10%?

Things change year to year and month to month, even day to day.. The amount of FC used by the pool is based on the amount of sun, the bather load, and how high your CYA is.. etc..

Not cleaning the cell is not going to increase the output.

Don't clean the cell unless it needs it.


Jim R.
Thanks, I’m finding pool chemistry is not “trouble free”. It seems to be more of a juggling act than I expected. I’m grateful for TFP.
Running some water chemistry tests and pushing some buttons to adjust SWG output is about as easy as it gets.
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It worked fine last year at 30%
Daily demand changes throughout the year like a bell curve. It's less early and late and more in the middle. We all need to make 6 or so adjustments depending on the length of our season.
I experience the same, so I also adjust my pump run time accordingly (single speed pump on timer). Being in Michigan, plus having some tall trees nearby, the pool only gets maybe 6 hours of direct sun even in the peak of summer.
I learned something from Allen (thanks). I have been using using Pool Math app on my iPhone for several weeks but did not realize It would calculate FC based on SWG 24 hour output and pump run time. I posted a pic here. Does the 1.1 ppm FC result in my pic mean that the my SWG will generate 1.1 ppm of FC in a 24 hr cycle or 1.1 ppm during the 8 hr pump run?



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Another way to look at it...

The 24 SWG output number means the cell can produce 1.47 lbs. of Chlorine gas in 24 hours at 100% output.

1.47 lbs. is equal to 23.52 oz.

In a 16,400 Gal pool, 23.52 oz. of chlorine gas will increase your FC by 12 ppm in 24 hours (Old pool math)

28% of 12ppm = 3.36 ppm in 24 hours or .14 ppm per hour

8 Hours of pump run time * .14 = 1.12


Jim R.