Spa help?

Mar 3, 2018
new jersey
Hello Guys & Gals,
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these trying times.... we are all very well. I'm wondering if anyone here could help me with a spa issue. I have a very old spa and parts are no longer available. My electric heater works fine but the controller is shot. It won't maintian temp and I have to continue to reset the temp on the keypad. I'd like to eliminate the stocker temp controller and install a universal style. Everything I see has a wide +/- swing. Are there any sugestions on what to use? A link would be awesome
Cooper, knowing what manufacturer and model spa you have would be awesome.

Posting some pics may help us see what you have.

@RDspaguy is often helpful.
Thank you..... I will get some additional info later today.

Ok the spa is a infinity. It's probably 25 years old. Here is a picture of the nameplate, heater and heater wires that go to panel. I need a new one but it's not in the cards right now. All I'm looking to do is maintain my water temp at 104 / 105 Thanks for looking!


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You have a gecko control system, mspa specifically. On your display in the pic it is showing an error ending in FL. I can't quite make it out on my phone, what is that error? An FL error is a flow error. CLFL (what I think yours is) is a closed flow error, usually caused by a shorted pressure switch, which is the round thing on the left side of your heater tube with the 2 wires going to it.
Are there any other errors displayed?
Do you have a multimeter?
You have a gecko control system, mspa specifically. On your display in the pic it is showing an error ending in FL. I can't quite make it out on my phone, what is that error? An FL error is a flow error. CLFL (what I think yours is) is a closed flow error, usually caused by a shorted pressure switch, which is the round thing on the left side of your heater tube with the 2 wires going to it.
Are there any other errors displayed?
Do you have a multimeter?

Thanks for your reply.... yes CLFL. I've had that for a while and its the only one I show except fot the control pad going into LOC mode. I normally have to come back to it a couple times until it will take a temp up input. I don't know how to Unloc it. Yes I do have a multimeter. Do you think the temp switch is taking the heater out? Could you instruct me how to trouble shoot it? I would really appreciate that!

The pressure switch is a safety device that prevents the heater from working if the pump should stop moving water through it. The computer knows it should close when the circulation pump is running, and open when it is off. If it is closed when the circ pump is off, it gives a closed flow error and shuts off the heater, as it knows the switch is bad or the pump is on when it shouldn't be. This is usually a failure of the rubber diaphragm inside the pressure switch leaking water onto the electric part of the switch.
With power off, test for continuity across the two wire terminals on the pressure switch. Disconnect the wires at the switch or circuit board before testing. You should not have continuity. If you do, replace the pressure switch.
The pressure switch is a safety device that prevents the heater from working if the pump should stop moving water through it. The computer knows it should close when the circulation pump is running, and open when it is off. If it is closed when the circ pump is off, it gives a closed flow error and shuts off the heater, as it knows the switch is bad or the pump is on when it shouldn't be. This is usually a failure of the rubber diaphragm inside the pressure switch leaking water onto the electric part of the switch.
With power off, test for continuity across the two wire terminals on the pressure switch. Disconnect the wires at the switch or circuit board before testing. You should not have continuity. If you do, replace the pressure switch.

Awesome RD.....I'll check that out tomorrow and report back. Thank you!
RD, I went out with my meter and a long nose plyer Saturday morning to pull the flat blade terminals off the heater switch to trouble shoot as you described. I grabbed the first blade and it came right off. I grabed the second one, tugged, and pulled the switch right out of the heater. At first I thought I broke the switch, but that would have been too easy. I ripped the rotted side right off heater. It was stainless but rotted, go figure. Maybe 304 not and 316. At any rate I yelled a few choice cuss words that are my go to cuss words and ran for the sawzall. No I didn't cut the heater out..... I cut the tub up :eek:). I appreciate your willingness to help me try to solve my problem. I went out today and dropped 8k on a Saratoga Special Edition C40. Thanks again for your help and stay safe.


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