Solar Vacuum Relief Valve (VRV) issues: service, replace, upgrade, redesign, ...


LifeTime Supporter
Mar 17, 2015
Oakland, CA
I'm having a hard time dialing in our new solar install.

I was initially running the pump very low, 1200-ish, and there were constant bubbles. So I read up and learned and walked the pump speed up until the bubbles stopped: this was at 3000. However this is right near the breaking point where water squirts out of the thing, which I saw at 3200 so I quickly backed it back down.

Then today, hotter, significant leaking was occurring at 3000. So now there are constant gulping bubbles at 2800 or water squirting out at 3000. This all seems too finicky for a straight ahead install on a single story house.


In increasing order of time and money, I could:
  1. Power down, take it off, and ... do something to service it,
  2. Buy the same thing online, replace it, and hope for the best,
  3. Buy a different type, since other types seem to have their champions, or
  4. Rework everything to move the valve into the intake manifold to allow lower speeds
Valve is a little rubber guy I see described as "a ball spring (5#) type" and sold for about $40.


It's relatively cool for a pool here in Oakland, and the idea of running the solar rig at these speeds every morning 8 to ... 2? is going to add up. I'm still figuring out if the heating after noon is worth the cost, but low and slow in the afternoon to maintain on swim days would be ideal.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
My VRVs (I have 2 of them) look like yours. When you say you have "water squirting out of the thing", what is the "thing"? The VRV itself? The clamps holding the VRV? Something else?

My normal pump speed is 1800 rpm but I have to run my solar at 2500 because my VRVs leak at lower pressure because they're not fully closed. I'm not sure how higher pressure could cause a leak unless something is installed incorrectly.
My VRVs (I have 2 of them) look like yours. When you say you have "water squirting out of the thing", what is the "thing"? The VRV itself? The clamps holding the VRV? Something else?

My normal pump speed is 1800 rpm but I have to run my solar at 2500 because my VRVs leak at lower pressure because they're not fully closed. I'm not sure how higher pressure could cause a leak unless something is installed incorrectly.

I just turned it up to 3200 and clambered up there to see: it dribbles out of the center thing on the end of the valve.

I think it's broken, unless there's something in there serviceable?
It's very possible that VRV is defective. I've gone through a number of bad ones myself. It sounds like it's allowing air in and water out when it should not. The only time the VRV should be open is when the solar is disengaged.
Replaced with same type today, made one month earlier, and no bubbles at 2400 RPM. This seems more like the normal experience, thanks! Learning: sometimes the thing that appears broken is the broken thing. However, I opened it up and nothing is obviously wrong inside. Interesting to see how it works, at least.

I had a thought ... would it be dangerous to *partially* close the solar return cutoff valve to allow slower swim afternoon skimmer speeds without bubbles? Or more formally, does anybody install these with 2" sends and, I don't know, a 1-1/2" segment in the return? Not sure if this is a safe little hack or if it is flirting with a rooftop disaster.
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