SLAM with persistent algae


May 15, 2017
Owasso, OK
Hello everyone,

We are doing quite possibly the longest SLAM process ever... long due to our filter and pump having major issues and prolonging things. We started with a swamp. It is now a slightly cloudy blue with some stains or algae on the bottom. I brush everyday and they won't go away. Do I continue to just brush it?

Our recent test levels:
FC 14
CC 0.5
pH 7.0
TA 120
CH 70

I know some of these are off, I'm trying to figure out how to adjust while keeping chlorine at shock level.
Most importantly is what is your CYA level? The pH is not accurate if your FC is above 10.

Based on your CYA you would then keep your FC at a level shown on the FC/CYA chart in Pool School.

Good Luck!
With a CYA of 40 (round up) your minimum FC for a SLAM is 16. Every time you go below that you let things grow. So if you are checking your FC and it is below 16 you need to bump it up higher so that it can last until the next time you can check and add bleach.

This is the time for the slow process of clearing the 'stuff' out of the water. Takes some time. Also check out Pool School at the process of adding a little pool DE to your sand filter. Needs to be monitored but can help in clearing the last bit.

Good Luck!
Thank you! I'll continue testing and adding bleach to keep it at 16. As if nothing else could possibly go wrong with the big money pit in our yard, one of our underground pipes sprung a leak. We're not sure what caused it.
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