Second Thoughts - Need You Design Experts!!

Can you get other quotes? Surely there are other companies. Have you looked into a concrete pool? Our quotes for concrete were a bit cheaper than they were for fibreglass. I think you should investigate further before pulling the pin. That is if this is what you really want. If you lost the spa, that would be $8,500 saving right there.

I certainly respect your financial responsibility. We have always been financially responsible too... until we decided to put in a pool. We love our house and wouldn’t move for the sake of owning a pool. So we decided if we were going to do it, we would do it properly. Probably the most reckless financial decision we have ever made. For us it came down to lifestyle. There were times during the build that I wondered what on earth we were doing, to the point of feeling sick about it. Now the pool is in, I’m so happy we took the plunge. It is a big deal, so take your time reassessing the situation.
Can you get other quotes? Surely there are other companies. Have you looked into a concrete pool? Our quotes for concrete were a bit cheaper than they were for fibreglass. I think you should investigate further before pulling the pin. That is if this is what you really want. If you lost the spa, that would be $8,500 saving right there.
Yea I contacted 100% of the companies Viking sent me in their referral sheet almost a week ago. Heard back from just 3 of them and they have all been less-than-satisfactory with communication (only got a quote from the one and days after he said he would). I don't know if they're just insanely busy with work and don't have to respond to inquiries or what but it sure is discouraging to send out a dozen emails and get back 3 responses. I haven't contacted concrete companies because I don't prefer the texture and don't want to resurface so often dealing with the issues my parents had. Also, I wouldn't do a pool without a spa because I personally would spend even more time in the spa than the pool (I use my soaker tub at least a few times a week as it is). Basically, I really just don't want to compromise on anything because I feel like if I'm going to not get exactly what we want and be inconvenienced by less deck/shade/smaller pool/no spa etc - I might as well be inconvenienced with a 5 minute drive to my parents or my brother's community pool or just buy a home with a pool/spa for probably less money. I know that sounds like an odd line to draw but I'd rather have an awesome resort set up in my backyard or save the space and money and just visit other people.

I am all about having a good life NOW as you are not promised tomorrow!
This is true, as long as I'm not sabotaging tomorrow to pay for today haha that's the balance that's always difficult! If $80k for this project is too much but $50k is okay, how about $51k? $55k? $60k? Lol where do I draw the line, right? It's hard to say but the line is definitely somewhere between where I was hoping to be high 40s low 50s and this quote pushing 80. What I don't understand is how Texas Splash got his pool for so much less and how my neighbor supposedly did their entire thing including enclosure and their structural wall for $30k despite being a decade ago. Should have just bought their house with their pool (needs resurfacing and work though) and then made it as cool as I've already made the rest of our house and come out cheaper still!

Oh, the pit. Get one you can move, they make some that are amazing. With the table top. Just what she wants.
Yea she just is... you want to call just her for me? ;) I honestly don't know but she gets stuck on these certain things she likes almost an irrational but well intentioned stubbornness. Takes time to get through it but this one has been for at least a year so I think she's set on a stone built fire pit with its own gravel area with plants and everything.
Absolutely Kim! This was our thought too. Also, kids grow up so quickly and we really wanted a pool to add some much lacking quality family time.
See, we don't have kids yet but absolutely plan to so a pool is one of those things where IF I decide I want to do it ONE day, why not do it NOW when we have the money and time? If we're for sure going to stay here (there are always jobs in Tampa), I want to make it my ideal backyard. But my PERFECT house does have a bigger yard backed up to a preserve instead of a 90x30 backyard backed up to a cul de sac... so maybe we end up purchasing something else with a pool one day? She says she never wants to leave here though - our neighbors and the neighborhood are amazing. It's just hard to see the future - you know anyone who can help with that?? ha

Fair enough and I definitely get that. Give the other companies time. None of this pool building business is fast. Pbs are also not known for their great communication! I would also call directly. A lot of those online forms go unchecked. We had to wait quite a few weeks for most of the pbs who we had quote to come out.
That's pretty surprising. I guess I'm so used to most HomeAdvisor driven industries where they're fighting for customers tooth and nail and want to come out TODAY to give you an estimate lol most of these websites are just God awful and the process just seems to be surprisingly knuckle dragging. I mean even the major pool manufacturers only have pictures the size of a business card on their website. Only Viking (and Trilogy owned by them) have sites that are any good. The whole thing is just not set up to sell people like most industries are.
Agh, no kids I think does make a difference. You may well end up moving if you find the house and or yard doesn’t cut it with kids.

It’s a very different industry to other home industries. Some of the companies I called sounded put out that I called asking for a quote. I think there is such a high demand that they can choose to be so slack with their communication and also charge pretty much whatever they fancy.
Yea I mean we certainly did move here with the explicit intention of kids and DO plan on staying for that - my parents are close by and will never move so that's a major factor. Good schools, small gated community with kids from infant to high school, house is over 3k sqft with a 3 car garage, 800sqft between the porch/patio, 400ft of unfinished standing attic floor for storage, and another 1200ft of attic we could get LVLs and finish off if we went crazy on the kids thing (unlikely) - so we really did try to think it through long term. House is my dream home other than the yard at .26 acres which is unfortunately considered on the larger side for community homes in this area so it's not as if that's a major factor to make us move. I guess I'm saying we certainly have felt pretty comfortable doing various projects with the intention of keeping the house "forever" - it's just if I can't get this number down below because this cost would be 20% of the value of the home and that seems pretty dang high to guarantee I'll be here for decades.

Your point about pool builders is well taken. I have experienced the same weird behavior on the phone with vague answers on the numbers yet not really a strong desire to come out and give concrete (pun intended) quotes. Like how hard is it to do a quote for the same thing you do all the time - I have a flat backyard with access directly from the road 8' wide (or if ya MAKE me rip out a pillar I can give you 16') and I have given them "by the foot" design options. I just don't see how hard it can be to add up some numbers for something you've done multiple times.

I wonder how much of the process I could manage myself if I get a friend licensed with an excavator, get the permits, and do the plumbing/electrical myself? I wouldn't do that to save 5 grand but if it was significant, maybe. I've done a fair bit of irrigation and some basic house plumbing, a lot of electrical work - bet my wife wouldn't be thrilled about me spending my nights doing all that but at least the process would be TRANSPARENT instead of this constant opaque guessing game.
I'm following... I think you're doing an excellent job on the thought process. Keep it going.

But I have to tease... There's never been a more appropriately named thread!! I've lost track of which second thoughts of second thoughts of second thoughts of second thoughts of second thoughts we're on!! ;)

[I just erased the whole middle of this post. Whew!]

Forget the predictions and possible future(s). Think of buying a pool more like a really expensive vacation, one that cost more than it should, but you want to treat yourself, because you deserve it. Can you afford to go on this trip right now, and enjoy it for what it is, for what it costs, right now. Will you in any way regret what it cost? At the end of the vacation, whether that be 30 years from now, or 30 months from now, will you be able to sincerely claim: that was worth it!
There are several people who have done OB (owner builds). You have to have a work situation where you can leave or be late at a moments notice. I will also tell you that if you do have a PB (pool builder) do the pool you will STILL need to be there for some things so..........

Looks like your wife has her heart set on the built in fire pit and that is okay. We all have our dreams/wishes. We can work with that.

So where is your head at this morning? How about your heart? Which one is winning?


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Matthew, STOP!!! Do not show those pictures to the wife!!! There goes the budget!

Martin, absolutely beautiful setup. The kitchen, the stone work, the bistro lights. A roof covering that actually makes sense (and makes my corrugated metal roof look like junk, thanks for that)!

Very nice.

I think I remember this yard. Is this the one that backs up to a river or lake? Awesome yard!!
Martin, gotta ask, for the OP, if you don't mind... Do you use the slats much? Every day? Once a week? Rarely? Do they mostly stay open? Closed? Do they justify their expense? Would you do it again if you had it to do over?
Ain’t r u asking for quotes over the phone? I didn’t catch that part? To get a ball park idea?

I would only have someone come out to my house. I never ask for anything ball park over the phone. I have just learned this from my dad’s and my buddies that if u call and about how much or usually they don’t even call u back. They assume u are not even going to consider them unless u hear what u want to hear.

They r always busy. My carpenter literally picks and chooses everything cause everyone wants him. He is at the point in his life he hs enough work to keep them busy till they die. They all do. I know my buddy Louis will only quote after looking at something. Side every job is so different.

All im saying is my guys assume someone isn’t serious if they call and talk money first.

I would have guys come out. Ya prices vary so much. My pool would have cost 10 grand less down south prob cause they build so many compared to our season up here.
jimim makes some excellent points! I have to admit to doing the same. If someone calls me seeking my services, and asks for an appt to come show me their project... they're in. I know I'm going to have the opportunity to see what they're after, and to give them my pitch. If they open with "budget' or "how much" or anything that smacks of "I'm shopping around," I'll assume they can't afford me. I'm really good at what I do and charge a premium for it. I want clients that know and appreciate that, and want to pay for that, not those that are looking for the lowest price, on which I can't compete.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be shopping for the lowest price, or even just wondering about the price. You just have to play the game correctly!
And that’s exactly what all my buddies and dad’s buddies say. It’s the truth though. They r good at what they do and they can pick and choose what they want all year.

jimim makes some excellent points! I have to admit to doing the same. If someone calls me seeking my services, and asks for an appt to come show me their project... they're in. I know I'm going to have the opportunity to see what they're after, and to give them my pitch. If they open with "budget' or "how much" or anything that smacks of "I'm shopping around," I'll assume they can't afford me. I'm really good at what I do and charge a premium for it. I want clients that know and appreciate that, and want to pay for that, not those that are looking for the lowest price, on which I can't compete.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be shopping for the lowest price, or even just wondering about the price. You just have to play the game correctly!
Dirk, Usage depends on my mood, weather conditions and whether I'm cooking or not. You can have them opened or closed to any degree you want. I generally keep them closed but do open them when I cook or sit back there and want some light sun to come through. One good thing for me is that if the inside of the slats get dirty or have spider webs I open them fully when its going to rain and they are cleaned. It's like going through a car wash. Also, if you live in an area that has high winds or hurricanes, this is designed to withstand wind speeds up to 125mph or perhaps higher. It also has a built in gutter system
Yes, it is the one that backs up to the lake. Anyone that wants to see it can search for "new build in south Texas"
Anyone that wants to see it can search for "new build in south Texas"
So I just went through your photos... how about this: Let's play a high stakes game on that pool table of yours. If you win, you get my house (I'll even put that pool in first). If I win, I get yours ;)

Fair? My house is probably worth almost as much as those two cars in your earlier pictures so I think this is a reasonable request. I need 6 months to perfect my game, then we play - they can host the game on TFP ESPN37.

Seriously you guys did an amazing job with what is clearly a forever home with an outdoor space that is really unforgettable!!

Ain’t r u asking for quotes over the phone? I didn’t catch that part? To get a ball park idea?
Actually no, I'm asking for them for suggestions, information, and an in-person review of my design. If they ask about budget, I tell them we are flexible. That's what's so strange about the lack of prompt communication and desire to initiate. Even the information/quotes/suggestions I have gotten have been relatively dry and uninterested. Like, come on, sell me on this thing! Strange.

I do wonder if they see the design completed and think some other poor shmuck I didn't hire did that for me. I've been telling people I'm a Computer Engineer who works in photoshop regularly and deals with measurements a lot so I threw together some designs to alleviate suspicion I'm just hiring people to waste time on designs for me.

So where is your head at this morning? How about your heart? Which one is winning?
I am feeling kind of burned out with the process so we're taking a step back for now. I'll let other quotes come in and have people come check it out but I'm not as pressured. Still open but definitely leaning toward waiting whereas I was much more ready to pull the trigger for the right numbers and design at a moment's notice but have been discouraged by the process and inconsistency of these guys as well as the general lack of fiberglass builders in my area which I can only imagine has driven up prices vs concrete.

But I have to tease... There's never been a more appropriately named thread!! I've lost track of which second thoughts of second thoughts of second thoughts of second thoughts of second thoughts we're on!! ;)
You're not wrong Dirk - that is absolutely accurate haha! Thanks for being patient. I'm a young guy trying to imagine things that aren't here and it's tough to make life decisions based on that so you have been a huge help :)
I am proud to make your acquaintance! It is SO nice to meet someone such as yourself that is able to ask for ideas and suggestions and puts the info to work. THEN being able step back and say "time out" until you can get what you want! That on top of your being able to set and obtain goals! WOW! Well done!

Thanks for letting us come along for this journey. I hope there will be updates as the time comes!


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