Scale? I dunno what this is?


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2020
Erin, Ontario
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Hi, I've been following the TFP method since I acquired this pool from a home purchase. I bought it about a year ago and had no clue about water testing so I found your site to get me going. I closed the pool a month after I moved in so this was the first full year. Everything has been going great except for the white spots in the deep end. If have tried scrubbing but 2 of them are really thick and like concrete. The other have appeared slowly as the season progressed. I don't add anything to the pool that can settle except salt and borax which I follow with brushing and then put the robot in to mix. I tried scrubbing them but they dont come off. Any ideas?


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What kind of cleaner do you have a creapy crawly?

How deep are those drains more than 8ft under. Im guessing.

What feels like concrete the stain? Or whats under the vinyl?

Have you thrown in any sodium bicarb down there? In fact try to remember what you have thrown into that area I know you said salt and borax.

It's got to be some kind of calcium hardening.
Tabs will just bleach a spot, they won't create a spot that is "really thick and like concrete".
Vinyl will wrinkle and harden from prolonged contact with a trichlor tab. May feel like concrete on your feet. Just a guess. If this is the issue it may also be prone to cracking. Do you have or did you use any trichlor tabs?
The CSI got up to +0.51, so it could be scale.

Why are you adding Borax when the pH is 7.8 and 8.2?

You know that Borax raises the pH, right?

View attachment 369127
Thanks, these logs are for my hot tub I believe? I know the logs are long, but I've been checking my pool every 2 days to stay on top of if since I was new this year. If you scroll down to the "Main Pool" section they are there. Maybe I will just stop sharing my logs for the hot tub to make life easier for you guys.

Looks like someone dropped a few trichlor tabs into the deep end.
I haven't used anything since opening the pool except liquid chlorine and my SWG for chlorination. I did add Dichlor before opening the pool to put some chlorine in the water and some stabilizer because I didn't have stabilizer handy at the time.

What kind of cleaner do you have a creapy crawly?

How deep are those drains more than 8ft under. Im guessing.

What feels like concrete the stain? Or whats under the vinyl?

Have you thrown in any sodium bicarb down there? In fact try to remember what you have thrown into that area I know you said salt and borax.

It's got to be some kind of calcium hardening.
I have a Maytronics Robot. The drains are 8ft deep. The really white stain feels like concrete or plaster and the other lighter looking ones don't scrub off. Haven't added anything except salt and borax and I was quite diligent on making sure it was evenly spread around the pool then brushed and also throw the robot in to mix things further.

Vinyl will wrinkle and harden from prolonged contact with a trichlor tab. May feel like concrete on your feet. Just a guess. If this is the issue it may also be prone to cracking. Do you have or did you use any trichlor tabs?

Never used trichlor tabs or anything. I've been trying to follow TFP as best as possible. I thought I did good.

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Thanks, so I guess my only option for help is to go buy a 400 dollar underwater camera? The stuff is hard and white and looks like plaster

Anyone else experience this on the bottom of their pool? I can't imagine I'm the first.
The only thing that I know that will create a problem like that is if you add calcium chloride and something to raise the pH or TA at the same time.

Have you ever added calcium chloride?

Have you ever added two different chemicals on the same day where they could have possibly combined at the bottom?
I haven't added any calcium chloride at all. I usually add 2 chemicals on the same day, but all get mixed by brushing (if granules) and robot as mentioned. Nothing that would settle on the bottom that I can tell. This is strange as I've followed TFP closely for this season as best I can and thought I was doing awesome, but these stains started creeping up. Admitedly the large one was there all along since last season from previous owner but I thought it would go away with proper water chemistry

As you can see in my logs, I try not to add too many things at once. I keep it to 2 usually so if I add muriatic acid, I would only add another item if needed, etc. I test ever 2 days so I figured that was a good method.
How are you adding the CYA stabilizer?
Looking at your PM logs in the last three months you have added over 50# of stabilizer.
26 applications of 0.8kg and two apps of 1.8kg.
I did not include the two applications of 3123kg figuring that was actually grams. Is this correct?
50# of stabilizer would raise your CYA ppm by 170ppm.

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