Saturation Index??

Aug 18, 2018
Hello, my name is Cesar and I am more so have been learning how to take care of a pool and spa for the past year and a half. I am still modestly a beginner but i think ive come a long way...
But yeah I'll skip the boring stuff and get to the point...
So basically i was looking for an honest opinion about the SI index. I have tried to discuss this with my boss some time ago but he believes that the only thing a pool or spa should need is chlorine and PH and the rest is BS.
I don't think he's entirely qualified to make that call but i must take into account that there has never been a problem with their methods by keeping it very simple by just keeping the chlorine and PH in check.
As what i understand the SI index helps you keep your water balanced so it keeps it from etching at your plaster walls and yet MORE IMPORTANTLY protecting the plumbing that is underground from corroding.
All i need is the truth in this issue. If there really is no need to add a bunch of chemicals into my pool/spa then why do it?
I will need proof on my side as though if i were to simply suggest using this strategy again i will simply get turned down again.
Appreciate any replies or conversation.
Thank you.
SI has no impact on pvc plumbing. If your plumbing is copper then low pH, below 7.0 will dissolve the copper over time. SI has no impact on copper plumbing other than low pH.
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