Sanity check: redirecting return to water feature


Sep 12, 2017
Las Vegas, NV
First, the pool in question with the waterfall:


And the current plumbing:



So currently I have a separate pump (with separate intake and return) just for the waterfall. Which means that I end up never really using it because of (a) the noise, and (b) I can imagine my electric bill each time I turn it on.

So I figured that it would be wonderful if the waterfall could be plumbed into the main filter cycle so that while the filter is running, I'd have a nice waterfall as well.

Is this a bad idea? Any disadvantages? Ideally I'd like to add an extra valve that diverts water from the sprays (bubbler) to the water feature. Is there enough space (third picture) to install a valve vertically?
Plumbing can always be changed. Would take some planning.

But - You would definitely NOT want your returns to always be going to the waterfall. The aeration will drive you pH up quickly.

Can you add a signature? Some more information would really help those helping you -- see Pool School - Getting Started

Take care.
You can divert some or all of the return water to the fountain. As noted, you don’t want it on all of the time, but you can turn it on on demand.

It looks like you have ProLogic or AquaPlus.

What exact model of automation do you have?

What is your main pool pump?
Sorry! I've updated my signature :) Right now I have it set up to (I estimate) return 50% to the spa, 30% to the pool, and 20% to the bubbler (which I'm gathering might not be the best thing to do).

So even if I do ~50% to the spa, 30% to the pool, and 20% to the fountain, I may run into issues? Ideally I'd like it to be a set it and forget it type thing, where I don't have to manually turn on the fountain (but not if its going to cause me any problems). I'm also going to change to a Intelliflo VS soon if that would make a difference.
I think your current setup with separate pump is the best way to do it. If your spa and pool share the same pump in the set up you propose, you could not run the spa and waterfall at the same time. May not be an issue for you. I speak from experience as I have a large slide and just about the time I get the spa heated up, the kids want to play on the slide.
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