Sand filter leaking


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2013
Augusta, GA
Hi all,

I'm seeking some help trying to diagnose a leak I have discovered with my sand filter. I noticed recently that the concrete slab in my pool shed is wet regularly. I have also noticed that the ground just outside the pool shed is pretty wet even when it hasn't rained.

Can anyone provide any recommendations in how to figure out the source of the leak? I've included a couple photos in case that helps.

When it comes to filter leaks, we hope for the easiest things like the multiport valve itself, seal where the valve attaches to the top of the filter, the plumbing connection in and around the filter etc. Perhaps even the drain plug below. But if it's the housing itself, the body of the filter, there's not much you can do but replace it. Repairing a filter vessel is never a safe thing to do. Hope your leak turns-out ot be some relatively easy and repairable.
The rust stain from water dripping under the vent valve is where I would check first. Then carefully dry off the whole filter with a towel and find out where the water is coming from. Once every thing is dry a paper towel is a really good way to find small drips and leaks of water from a fitting.

As Pat has said if there is any crack or hole in the shell of the filter its time for a new filter. There are only 2 openings in the shell, one on the top where the multiport is and one on the bottom where the drain plug is.
Having the same problem with my sand filter. I turned it off for a few days and waited until the whole area was dry. Then I cranked her up and saw drips from two bolts that were connecting the multivalve port to the body of the filter, than another at where I had just replaced the pressure gauge. Should I just use a caulking agent for these areas?
Remove the gauge and wrap the threads with tape. The multi port has an o ring, try putting some o ring lube in it and make sure it’s seated properly when you push the multi port back into the filter. Tighten the two bolts.
Still trying to figure out the leak. I'm not seeing any moisture up by the multiport valve or when following the rust stain. The concrete floor under the filter is constantly wet, however. Do sand filters ever leak where they meet the floor?

Do sand filters ever leak where they meet the floor?
If you see nothing dripping from above, and only wetness at the bottom, that would leave two suspect areas: drain plug or the bottom of the filter housing itself. Hopefully it's just the drain plug.
I've been checking into this today and all signs point to a leak at the base of the filter. I started digging outside the pool shed where the ground was soggy and traced it back to the shed. The area around the drain plug on the filter is bone dry, but I can see the water sort of shimmering at the base where it meets the concrete. Tried to capture that in a brief video I included.

If that is indeed the source of the leak, is the only solution to replace the filter?
Where the filter meets the concrete is just a hollow pedestal. If water is coming out from under it, it's a drain plug or a cracked housing. If they were kind enough to leave you an opening, then you can get in there with a bright flashlight and an inspection mirror (mechanics use 'em -- hardware or auto parts store should have one) and look for the leak. Otherwise, it's timed to start disconnecting things so you can up-end it and see what's what.

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