Rushing water sound


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Aug 28, 2017
San Antonio
Hello all,

Planned to run pump throughout last week but, alas, not to be. Thawed everything out and fired it up today. All seemed ok except psi is now 18 instead of the usual 11, outlets in pool not quite as strong as pre-freeze, and a water whirring sound in the two gray pipes highlighted in the pic (one goes into heater and one goes out). We do not use the heater and have not fired it up for a few years. There are no bubbles coming out of any pool outlets. There are no bubbles in the pump basket. Checked for cracks in the pipes and could see non and no water leakage apparent. Did not completely drain the cartridge holder before it froze up. Could there be a crack down in the black portion highlighted in green in the pic? Would this effect the water pressure? Thanks8D358BE3-3199-4CED-B42D-516DEA1B13EA.jpeg51C04B36-8ECA-4C75-9A5D-54193F366F48.jpeg
Since you didn't drain anything before the freeze, I suppose it's possible something got messed-up. Everything seems fine except for the unusual sounds at the heater which seems to be bad anyways. You don't have a heater bypass line installed, so if it were me, I might cut the lines at the heater and connect the gray PVC together taking the heater out of the equation. See if that helps. Maybe something got distorted in the heater (core/element) during the freeze effecting water flow.
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