RJ45+ Salt level varies with pump speed


Nov 28, 2009
I installed a Circupool RJ45+ back in June. Since then, I've noticed that the salt level shown on the console varies widely depending on pump speed. FWIW, my Taylo K-1766 drop test indicates the salt level is 3600 ppm. If I run the pump at 3000 rpm, the RJ45 reports salt level as 3000 ppm. If I drop the pump to 2500 rpm, RJ45 reports salt level as 2500-2600 ppm. If I drop the pump to 1500 pm or lower rpm, the RJ45 raises "low salt" and "cell maint" and stops reporting.

Is this "salt level varies with pump speed" behavior normal? I know the SWCG needs a minimum flow rate to function at all (the flow switch is installed and it's not complaining). I don't recall reading about any minimum flow rate to satisfy the salt sensors.

For now, I've been keeping salt level in range (as reported by test kit), running the pump at sufficiently high speeds such that the RJ45 reports salt at the low end of acceptable, but generates chlorine. I've been "topping off" the salt as it dops. I'd prefer to run the pump at low speed, however.

Of course, I could raise the salt level. But the drop test already shows 3600ppm, which is in the acceptable range. (I can't say for sure that the drop test is more accurate than the RJ45, but I'm inclined to trust the drop kit more simply because it's consistent). I expect I'd have to raise the level at least another 1000 - 1500 ppm to get it high enough to run the pump at lower speeds. Would that be bad?

Thoughts? Keep on doing what I'm doing? Raise salt level above what the test kit thinks is normal? Something else?

OK -- that is normally the issue.

Seems odd you need high rpm to make it work. I would look for any restrictions or valve settings that might be giving you issues.
Hi, did you find the answer to your issue? I will be installing the same system tomorrow. I noticed that the flow switch does not have the 6"-12" straightway preceding it that they mentioned in the install instructions. You have a 90 degree angle. That would be my situation and I will have to figure a workaround. Just curious if that may be the restriction mentioned earlier? Thanks
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