Resolved - AquaLink 2.0 not connecting - wiring issue!


Jul 1, 2022
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Moved into a home with an existing system. No OneTouch, PDA or other control so I'm looking to use the web or phone app. Spending the last two weeks troubleshooting and reading over multiple posts. Now looking for other troubleshooting ideas. I don't mind going outside and pressing the buttons in service mode but would like to monitor from inside if possible and use a schedule.

Jandy RS 8 REV R board

What I have tried so far
-checked connection from iQ20 to RS485
-checked all RS485 4 pin wired connections - all snug no loose wires, all in the correct pins
-checked pin seatings of all RS485 to include the 6585 multiplex board (all 4 being used on board)

Each test I would
>remove "pool" from the app or website
>toggle the switch from wired/wifi in iAqualink to clear settings

>>able to add "pool" using home network (smart network either 5G or 2.4)
>>able to add "pool" using guest network to force 2.4Hz network
>>able to add "pool" using a direct wired connection (CAT5) into a router

Results - All three had the same result. I've tried each method multiple times.
>From App - Red Circle - Connection Error
>From Web - It says Online but hangs on blue screen "waiting for connection"

Any other troubleshoot thoughts?
What LEDs are lit on the side of the unit after you join it to your WiFi?

Have you power cycled your RS8 panel?
All 3 LEDs are on each time joining the network - WiFi, Guest WiFi and physical cable
Yes I powered it off and shut off power from the main breaker box. It sat for a good 30 minutes before I powered it back on. Is there another way I should reset or power cycle the panel? Willing to try just about anything without going out and buying the $600 OneTouch board to get this up and running. Thank you!
A couple ideas, your IAquaLink account is associated with your iAqualink 2.0 unit via the iAqualink device number that’s on the sticker on the side of the iAquaLink 2.0 unit.

While you probably did this I don’t see specifically anything about adding, or checking the iAquaLink 2.0 device ID to your iAquaLink account. This is where your specific hardware is associated with your account (web user name).

You may have done that when adding and deleting a pool, but it been a while since I set mine up and I don’t know if that is a step in setting up the physical network connection?

If the three LEDs (red, yellow, green) are on on the iAquaLink 2.0 unit then it thinks it’s online and talking to the network, but it could be associated with some other account name if you incorrectly added (or didn’t) add the id number to your account.

I assume that the previous owner used the system so it was likely associated with web account user name before.
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A couple ideas, your IAquaLink account is associated with you iAqualink 2.0 unit via the iAqualink device number that’s on the sticker on the side of the iAquaLink 2.0 unit.

While you probably did this I don’t see specifically say anything about adding, or checking the iAquaLink 2.0 device I’d to your iAquaLink account. This is where your specific hardware is associated with your account (web user name).

You may have done that when adding and deleting a pool, but it been a while since I set mine up and I don’t know if that is a step in setting up the physical network connection?

If the three LEDs (red, yellow, green) are on on the iAquaLink 2.0 unit then it thinks it’s online and talking to the network, but it could be associated with some other account name if you incorrectly added (air didn’t) add the id number to your account.

I assume that the previous owner used the system so it was likely associated with web account user name before.
In my account I am able to see the hardware. Maybe there is something wrong with my account profile? I'll try creating a new account and re-registering.
Another thing that is unknown is how it behaves if the iAqualink 2.0 device ID is associated with more than one iAqualink user account? It's probably safe to assume that the previous owner also had a iAqualink user account. Maybe it doesn't let the iAqualink 2.0 device ID be associated with a new user account (and work correctly) until it is removed from the other users account? I don't know how it behaves in this case, I'm just throwing out the possibility here.

This might actually be a case where Jandy (Zodiac) customer service might be of help as they may be able to check and see if your iAqualink 2.0 ID is associated with more than one account?
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Original setup
Main Board >
485 out > Extension Board

Extension Board
485 from Main Board
485 to sensor
485 to iAqualink 2.0 antenna
485 to board at the back of panel (dont know what its called)

CHANGED TO (Images attached)
Main Board
485 to iAqualink 2.0 antenna
485 to extension board

Extension Board
485 from Main Board
485 to sensor
485 to board at the back of panel

Power cycled and hit the reset button on the panel.

IT WORKED!!! I programmed a schedule and then I tried to label AUX1 to LIGHTS and......lost connection back to where I started.

Any ideas - issue with main or extension board?


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I power recycled and it didn't work so I took everything apart to start from scratch doublechecking all the connections. While I was at it clean up the wiring rats nest the previous guy had in there.

When I originally traced the wires I thought I had all the 485 ends accounted for. This was not the case. Tracing the wire mess I must have traced one of the wires incorrectly because when I pulled everything out there was one 485 wire on the extension board with the end tucked in the back with with NO END..NO $*% I mean 485!! o_O:mad: This is probably the culprit of all the issues. See pic.

Cleaned up the wires, neatly bundled with zip ties.
I considered the following simple setup
Main Board >
485 to Aqualink 2.0 antenna
485 to board at the back of panel AquaSoft Chlorine Generator

I decided to go with
Main Board >
485 to Extension Board

Extension Board
485 from Main Board
485 to Aqualink 2.0 antenna
485 to board at the back of panel AquaSoft Chlorine Generator

Reset the system and the phone app and website are working. If it fails again I'll go to the simple setup. For now though I think the issue has been resolved. Thanks for all the feedback everyone!!!


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