Resin Pool ok for SWG?


Active member
Feb 23, 2020
Ontario, Canada
Was shopping today looking at above ground pools. Told them I wanted salt water and they told me the only appropriate pool is aluminum. They wouldn’t recommend the resin “salt friendly” pools as they will just corrode.

Is this true or just trying to upsell me?

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Have you ever seen plastic "corrode" as they claim? Impossible if the wall is solid resin......BUT......there are pools with steel "cores" that have been coated with resin.
There are 2 types-
Hybrid (steel wall w/ resin top rails, uprights & possibly bottom track)
Full resin ( with resin walls + all the resin parts of a hybrid)

With A hybrid pool or any steel walled pool the walls can rust whether you use salt or not simply because of moisture/ground contact but they are considered salt friendly because the top rails (which is really the only part of the pool exposed to the salt) are impervious to rust.
A fully resin pool like the Aurora is completely impervious to rust.
+1 to all above and also, without a leak, neither wall will ever touch the water. With a leak, any of the walls with metal will rust or corrode from the moisture regardless of which type of pool it is.
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All of this is not to say that an aluminum wall pool isn’t a good choice for longevity if you can afford one - just ask @Newdude

But that the others aren’t terrible choices either.
Do you plan to bury your pool at all?
All of this is not to say that an aluminum wall pool isn’t a good choice for longevity if you can afford one - just ask @Newdude
When taking mine down I tried punching holes throught it with a crowbar. I'm a big dude and was MAD at it for how hard it was to take down......... with power tools.

It laughed at me there too.


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