Rerouted Power Line

Good Evening TFP,

I have what is likely a silly question. I had our power line moved as it was diagonal across our yard where the pool is going. My questions is in regards to the old line that was cut and is still in ground. While it is not connected to any service and never will again, is there a safety concern by having an exposed line in the ground that comes close to the edge of the overdig? Could stray voltage catch the wire and be brought near the pool?

Sorry for the craziness!
Good Evening TFP,

I have what is likely a silly question. I had our power line moved as it was diagonal across our yard where the pool is going. My questions is in regards to the old line that was cut and is still in ground. While it is not connected to any service and never will again, is there a safety concern by having an exposed line in the ground that comes close to the edge of the overdig? Could stray voltage catch the wire and be brought near the pool?

Sorry for the craziness!

I had this very same issue and had to have my line re-routed as well. There should be no issue with the line that is not connected. When my pool was dug the old line was also dug up during excavation. Just make sure your pool builder alerts the crew performing the dig so they don't halt progress should the happen to dig up the dead line thinking it's a live wire.

Thanks for the quick response! They have already excavated the pool area. In fact, footings and walls are in. I don't see an exposed wire though near the edges so I wonder if they pulled it out? Or maybe it's deeper than the pool's shallow end where it ran. I wonder how deep they usually direct bury them.

Thanks for the quick response! They have already excavated the pool area. In fact, footings and walls are in. I don't see an exposed wire though near the edges so I wonder if they pulled it out? Or maybe it's deeper than the pool's shallow end where it ran. I wonder how deep they usually direct bury them.

I actually had to dig mine up is two spots so the company could install a junction box to splice a new line in to run to the transformer. Both locations I dug to locate the line were 4 feet deep. I wouldn't imagine it would be any deeper than that.
We just had this happen up my parents. My buddy and myself were digging up he yard due to a water main leak so we decided to do a full replaced ofctjexline for my parents. We hit a random 30 year old wife wrapped around a pipe 8 feet down just sticking straight up in the air. I freaked out that we just ripped out the mailbox light. But it was still working. So I call my father out who built the house with his buddies. I said what is thos. He said oh ya don't mind that it was suppose to be the electrical for a lamp post. I said dad it's in the middle of the yard 8 feet deep on a piece of pipe that will never see daylight. I just shook my head and said he gets a pass cause it was the 70's.

We did get a scare for a few minutes cause we just saw more hours of work to replace it.


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