Rejuvenate a frayed pool cover rope

May 8, 2016
St Paul, MN
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
Last summer, one of the ropes on our automatic pool cover jumped the metal separator. By the time we figured out what was causing the pool cover to only open half way, the portion of the rope that was trapped on the metal was frayed. A pool cover technician said we can keep using it for now, but at some point, it will break and need to be replaced.

This summer, I can see more wear and tear. Is there anything I can do to the fray to prolong the life of the rope? Is there a way to reinforce it?


I doubt there is any way to reinforce the rope without stiffening it and increasing its diameter. Auto-cover repair is not a DIY job for me. Time to have your cover company replace the ropes and check the tracks & pulleys.
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